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Just as I was about to put the imparter down, it started ringing again, flashing Adam's name. Against my better judgement, I picked it up.

"Ace?" He whispered.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"I just- I just wanted to apologize..." he said.

"That's not going to do much. Your parents dropped by to talk to my mom today. They thought I was in class. Thanks, by the way, for turning the story around to blame me, it's really great!" I replied sarcastically with a bitter laugh. My room was dark so he couldnt see my face, but I saw him cringe at those words.

"I didn't know they came to your house...Ace please I think...I think I'm going to run away from my parents but I don't know where else to go.." he admitted reluctantly. My expression softened. 

"Are you going to tell them the truth before you go?" I had to ask. He nodded.

"I'm going to leave a note. Can I come by tonight to talk with your parents first before I do anything?" 

"Yes. Yeah of course. I just hope you know it's going to take time for me to forgive you so...maybe can we just be friends for a little bit?" I suggested. He looked sad but agreed. 

"Yeah of course, whatever you need. See you in a bit!" He clicked off the call. I ran down the stairs to look for my mom, who was still in the kitchen.

"Hey sweetie! I thought you were sleeping! The mallowmelt is almost...what's wrong?" She said after seeing my expression. I explained to her everything that Adam told me and my mom was frowning by the end.

"...he said he would come by tonight to talk with you and dad. I told him it was okay but I wasn't going to forgive him yet and we should just be friends for now," I finish explaining to her.

"I'm really sorry hunny. He can stay as long as he needs. I kind of assumed that was what was happening and I'm sure your father will understand as well okay?" She wrapped me in a tight hug. The sound of a knock at the door signalled that Adam was here. 

"Do want me to get it?" My mom asked. I nodded and ran back up to my room. I listened through the conversation through the vent.

"Hi Adam, why don't you come inside?" I heard my mom's voice.

"Hi. I heard you talked to my parents today...I'm really sorry for blaming Ace for everything it's not his fault I was just really scared that something would happen if I told them the truth and I panicked. I don't know if Ace told you that I called him but-"

"Yes he told me everything. I understand why you did it and if you need somewhere to stay right now I'm okay with you staying here and I'm positive Dex will be as well," I heard my mom again. There was some silence so I stopped listening and decided to actually get a nap. I heard the door open and shut again at some point meaning that Adam probably left. 

I was sleeping lightly, so I also heard when Jenny got home with Aj, and when Adam got back. I also heard my dad get back from work. Another hour passed before my dad stopped by my room.

"Hey Ace. It's me. Your mother told me what happened and I'm here to talk if you need anything okay?" My dad said.

"Thanks dad. Will one of you let me know when dinner is ready?" I asked.

"Of course. Should be ready in about thirty minutes." He left, shutting the door behind him. 

There for me 4(A KOTLC SOKEEFE STORY)Where stories live. Discover now