Chapter 2

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Still Stiles POV

It's been a few months since my twins were born and both their eyes have flashed purple which is the colour that mine and Allison's eyes flash when we use our spark, we have returned our mothers power to her and she is just as powerful as she was before she lost her power. We know the twins have the werewolf curse, we also know they are vampires but we don't know if they have witchy powers we'll just have to wait, anyways hope accidently killed a rabbit, so she activated her curse, you can activate it by killing a person or an animal, she didn't mean to kill the animal, she was holding it and she used a bit too much strength and ended up snaping its body, so when we all go on runs she joins us, Dziadek turned nana into a Hybrid after hope was born because she was dying back then the birth was too painful. Anyways so right now, we are all in the main living area of the avengers compound, trying to find out where the last Hydra base is, so then we can finally bring back Steve's love, Bucky Barnes, he misses him so much that he hasn't eaten for a week, I've had to force food down his throat on multiple occasions, anyways we were all figuring out a way to attack the base when the alarm went off, which is the alarm when there is an intruder at the gate, so we all gathered around the screen, then once we saw who it was, me, mom and Alli all gasped, then said "oh my god" then I said "uncle Tony, open the gate please, it's yours and mom's mother" so he opened the gate and she came in, Alli, mom and I all ran out and stood in front of the main elevator and once it opened, Alli and I said "Babciu, we missed you" then tackled her into a hug, she laughed and said "I missed you too my babies, now where are my babies, babies?" we pulled out of the hug and I said "uh what, how'd you know?" she said "oh please, I know everything" I nodded and said "true" then Alli and I moved out of the way and she saw mom, so she said "C-Claudia, O mój Boże, żyjesz" (translation: oh my god, you're alive), then she started crying, mom went up to her and said "yes, I'm alive because of Alli and Stiles, they brought me back to life, also someone else is here to see you" then mom looked behind her and beckoned uncle Tony over to her and uncle Tony went over and said "h-hi" Babciu looked over to him and gasped then she said "oh my beautiful son, I missed you, when you're stupid real father left, I didn't want him to know about you because he would've turned you into him, so I gave you to Niklaus's family to look after, so they looked after you, till Howard was born, then Maria and Howard Stark took care of you, after they grew up and met each other and got married and somehow managed to help you with everything, even if it was hard to understand then they died in that car accident, but the thing about that accident is that, the winter soldier who was brainwashed by Hydra had killed them but he didn't remember who Howard was and he didn't know Maria either, so he killed them, I know you're trying to help and bring him back to the love of his life, even if he may not remember him, but I think I might be able to help with that" uncle Tony smiled and said "can you really, mom" Babciu smiled and said "I can my son, but I'll need Alli and Stiles' help" I said "we'll help in whatever way we can Babciu" she looked at me and smiled, then said "can I please talk to Tony, Claudia, the twins and Chris in private" everyone nodded and left, but just to be sure no one was listening I said "uncle Tony maybe we should go to the sound proof room, so no one can hear anything" he nodded and said "yes, great idea, follow me" so we all followed him and once we got to the sound proof room, Babciu said "alright, now that no one can hear us, we are all going to have to train you, Tony, you need to be able to do even the smallest thing whether it be making a mountain ash circle or something else, but we will train you and make you even stronger with your spark, maybe even strong enough so that it can be put into your iron man suit" uncle Tony smiled and said "okay, that sounds great" so we agreed to take turns training him, first it would be mom since she hasn't seen uncle Tony since they were like 2.

Anyways, we all agreed that we'll start training him after we take down the Hydra base and get back Bucky, I came up with an idea, so I said "Jarvis, call a meeting now, it's very important" Jarvis said "yes, Stiles, right away sir" so he went to call the meeting, I said "alright to the meeting room" so we all went to the meeting room, then once everyone was in the room I said "alright, I've just come up with an idea, so since we can't die, us vampires and hybrids are going to attack first along with my mother and Babciu, then after that, everyone else can come in and attack, but Steve you will be getting Bucky, he is in that abandoned place you went with Sam after he went winter mode again when Zemo said the words and pretended to be the doctor" he nodded and said "thank you Stiles" I nodded and said "no problem, I know what it's like to think you lost the love of your life" while looking over at Derek when I said "love of my life" Derek looked over at me and smiled because he knows what I'm talking about.

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