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Josephine and Matt go way back. Second grade was the year they met. They were young and foolish, how would they know they would cause so much damage to each other in the future?

At the time when everything was right, Josephine had two best friends, way before the triplets. They met around pre-k. Sabrina and Madi, they were what kept Josephine somewhat sane. Now, people say trios never work, Josephine could agree but they were different. They just worked

Josephine, Sabrina, and Nick were in one class, Mrs. Dunne's class. She was a green eyed, brown haired woman. Your local milf. 

Madi, Chris, and Matt on the other hand were in Mrs. Smith's class. Brown eyed, brown haired woman. Another milf! 


"Jo! Sab!" screamed young Madi from across the playground. Her and two other boys were sitting on a bench looking at Josephine and Sabrina, trying to get their attention. 

It took a minute for Josephine to see where the voice had been coming from. She saw Madi waving at her. A little confused, Josephine made her way over with Sabrina. 

Sabrina noticed two familiar looking boys sitting next to Madi and was left confused. She knew Nick, he was in her class. But she saw two other clones of him. Was Nick and the two other boys a science experiment? No, of course not. Or were they? 

"Mads, who are they?" Josephine crossed her arms. 

"Oh, this is Chris, next to him is Matt." Madi smiled. 

Chris just had his goofy smile on while Matt showed a shy smile and waved at the girls. 

"We met in class. Since none of you guys are in my class, I had to make some new ones  to keep me company, y'know?" Madi shrugged. 

Josephine took a seat next to Matt, while Sabrina sat on the other side next to Madi. Chris in the middle. 

"Yeah, are you guys even brothers? What are you guys?" Clones?" Josephine began to grow suspicious. 

Matt giggled. "I mean we could be," He stared intensely. 

"I'm joking, we're... drumroll please," Chris made a sound  that sounded somewhat like a drumroll. "... TRIPLETS!" He said. 

"What's that?" Sabrina questioned. 

"We don't really know how to explain it, but basically all three of us were in our mom's stomach! Somehow." Explained Matt. "Nick is the oldest , Matt's the middle child, while I'm the youngest!" Chris emphasized. 

"That's so groovy." Josephine stated. 

"Groovy!" Matt wiggled his eyebrows. 

They all giggled. 

They knew that they would all get along. 

Little time skip

"Yeah Chris took a poopy on the highway, in a dunkin' donuts bag!" Matt wiped away his tears from laughing so much. 

"Seriously? I am so saying that to his future girlfriend. No joke." Replied Sabrina. 

"Ew, as if I'd ever date anyone. That's gross. And Matt stop it, I could always tell Jo about that little secret of yours." Chris giggled mischievously. 

"Even I know, Matt." Said Nick, coming from the swings and sitting on the wood chips in front of them crisscross applesauce. 

"Hey Nick, you didn't tell me you had two other brothers that look exactly like you?" Questioned Sabrina. 

"I thought that'd be a story for another time, sorry." Nick responds. 

"It's all gucci." Said Josephine. 

They all suddenly burst into laughter. 

"It's all what?" Chris said, trying to catch his breath. 

"Gucci," Replied Josephine. "It's my new catchphrase, bud." Josephine tried to make a straight face. 

"Another funky word, Jo!" Sabrina blinks. 

"Funky." Repeated Chris. 

"Funky." Madi giggled. 

"Wait, wait, mine should be groovy. It would give me people an idea that I'm so calm when I'm really not! Let me steal it from you  Jo, please, please, please." Nick begged. 

"Uh yeah!" She grins at Nick

"I know exactly what you meant. This is so stupid?" Sabrina instantly covered her mouth once those words came out of her mouth. 

"SAB, YOU CAN'T SAY THAT! it's a bad word!" Madi gasped. 

Everyone was in shock but then Matt started laughing. Which made the whole group laugh. 

"Stupid!" Yelled Chris. 

Everyone laughed even more. The playground was filled with giggles. 

They all finished talking when the bell suddenly rings, signaling for them to come back inside. 

And that was the day a wonderful friend group formed. Later a new member joining, but that's a story for a different time. 



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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