the little things

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The first time is purely by accident.

It's not like he's trying to eavesdrop; it isn't his fault the infirmary doors were left wide open, and it doesn't seem like you and Ghost are trying to be quiet. Price called everyone for a meeting in twenty and, since the infirmary's on the way, Soap figures he'd swing by and grab you. He's walking towards the doors, paying attention to nothing in particular, when your unmistakable laugh echoes into the hallway. Soap stumbles slightly, caught off guard by the sudden noise.

Someone's enjoying themselves, he thinks. He's almost six steps from the door when you laugh again, this time followed by the deep timbre of a familiar voice that makes Soap stop in his tracks.

Price was the one who had brought you onto the team, but it was supposedly Ghost who had recommended you. "Only medic I ever met who actually knew what they were doing," he had said. Apparently the two of you had previously worked on multiple missions together, and that was made obvious by the way you two worked flawlessly around each other with an efficiency that could only have been cultivated through a deep trust and years of teamwork.

Soap slowly approaches, all his stealth training coming to the forefront as he leans next to the door and focuses in on what you're saying.

"It'll only take a day, two tops. I promise." Soap can hear the smile in your voice. Glancing at the glass panes of the doors, he can just make out your reflection. You're standing beside an empty bed, behind an overbed table that's covered in papers, leaning on your elbows to smile widely up at Ghost as he stands against the wall on the opposite side of the bed looking wholly unimpressed.

"You want me to spend an entire day sitting in the corner and watching you give everyone on base flu shots?"

"No, I'm asking if you'll sit in the corner and look intimidating while I give everyone on base flu shots. The "look intimidating" part's important," you speak matter-of-factly.

"I've seen you amputate a man's leg at the knee mid-combat. You're telling me you can't handle a few shots by yourself?"

Soap makes a note to ask about that story later.

"I can handle myself just fine, thank you. It's everyone else that's the problem here." Ghost blinks at you, seemingly not believing you. "I get it, you're all big, tough guys who face death every day-" Soap sinks his teeth into his cheek to fight back a laugh as you try to lower your voice in a very poor imitation of Ghost, "-but the way some of these guys act, you'd think I was coming at them with some kind of medieval torture device. I just think-"
"That'd be a first."

"-If I had someone that everyone respects, and is a little bit afraid of, sitting nearby then they'd stop with the whining and I can get my job done faster."

There's a long pause as you and Ghost stand locked into a staring contest. Soap swears that, for a moment, something like amusement crosses Ghost's eyes.

"You think people are only a little afraid of me?" Ghost asks, tilting his head ever-so-slightly. You let out a loud, exaggerated scoff, throwing your hands up.

"Fine! Go lurk in a dark corner and scare children, or whatever it is you do, instead of helping me. Just don't be surprised if I'm suddenly out of painkillers the next time you get shot." You're facing away from him, pouting like a child with your arms crossed over your chest. Both Soap and Ghost know you don't mean it, your flawless reputation is too important to you, but Ghost sighs and nods anyways.

"Just tell me what days-" Ghost is barely done talking when you're spinning around, nearly knocking the table over.


the little things (simon "ghost" riley x reader)Where stories live. Discover now