6. Cue The Beat Drop

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"I'M TIRED!" you whined and slam your body to the bed near you, you sigh loudly
"can't we at least take a break?" you said and pout your lips, then you sat up and look at the other girls.

They all looks exhausted while sitting down on the cold floor of your room, then table on the back was on the side so as the chairs, just to have a big place for the 10 of you an enough place to practise so that you won't bump each other while dancing.

Dahyun laugh and stood up she run to the side to grab a bottle of water and run again to your side, "here drink up" she said and opened the bottle cup for you.

You drank up the water until it hit the spot and then smile at her, "Thank you dubu" she grab the bottle back and wipe your mouth using her hands.


"I'll wipe your sweat" kyungwan said and fish out a towel and went to your back, she wipe your sweat and put the towel into your back then patted your head, "come on we'll give you more serving later, I'll give you momos food" she said and grin.

"yah!! That's unfair!! Why would you give mine! Just give yours i also need food" momo complained and then pout.

"don't worry y/n I'll give you my food" chaeyoung said and smile at you showing her dimples, Tzuyu raised her hands and smile, "I'll also give you mine"

"do you want chocolate? I could give you" dahyun said while caressing your hair.

You sigh and shake your head
"no I'm fine but thank you and I'm fine with my food serving thankyou cubby and yoda" you said smiling at them.

Since that day the four of you became close, dahyun let you call her dubu and tzuyu let you call her yoda and its only inclusive for you and cubby for chaeyoung since everyone call her cub she decided with cubby.

You stood up and sigh again
"okay i think I'm ready" you said and jump a little.

" are you sure?" jisoo ask you and you just nod, "okay then let's start!! If we manage to finish without any mistakes then we're done for this morning!!" she said and clap her hand.

Everyone went on their own position so as you, momo start the music and went back to her position.

Nayeon start to sing while the rest of you are dancing at her back.

The music has ended and gladly you didn't make any mistake, the practice was smooth
And the girls didn't make any mistakes, jisoo clap her hand and smile at everyone.

"let's keep this good work!! We're done for this morning later at afternoon we still have to practice!! It's almost lunch now kyungwan and i will grab our lunch while everyone can rest and just wait"

You sat down to the floor and sighs, every did the same thing, dachaetzu sat next to you while namosa lie down to the floor and mina went to her bed.

Dahyun get some water and a bar of chocolate then she sat next to you, she put downthe water and cut the bar into four pieces then she gave it to you and to chaeyoung and tzuyu while the last one was hers.

"Thank you dubu" you happily said and take of the chocolate in your hands, "I wish
This will end fast"you said and sigh again.

" why are you so lazy" tzuyu said and shake her head at you, "if we won we will get the iPad and then let's download games and movies and then let's play and watch" chaeyoung nod her head and clap her hands, "and we could draw on that too and we can take more videos and picture"

Dahyun open the bottle cap and handed it to you, "Right we can take more pictures and then print it out, just like what kyung soo gave us and we could have a photo album or hang the pictures around" you drank the water and pass it to chaeyoung who also drink from the bottle.

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