31. The Bear Is??

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Chaeyoung's point of view

THE BELL rang as i opened the door, i was greeted with Welcomes and bow by the staff as soon as i step my foot inside the vintage clothing shop.

I smiled at them as i look around the shop, there's so much vintage clothing, vintage stuffs and even vintage toys, from 50's 60's 70's 80's 90's and even 20's.

"we have new arrival" the staff said as soon as she walk towards my way, she pointed the rack on the other side, " It's your style Ms Im" she said to me, i only keep my smile and didn't say anything.

Its the vintage shop i used to go every time i got bored with my own wardrobes, i love vintage clothing, and the staff was right, it's indeed my style.

I run my hands through the rack, searching for something that would suit my style, i pick some denim and leather jackets with so much cute design on it and even had a big C on the back of the denim jacket.

I went to the other rack but i stop when i saw a familiar person, searching through the sections of the old toys, what is she doing here?

I watched her pick an old barbie doll she smile and put it on her cart and pick the other one, she seems so happy for some freaking reason.

And i can't help but to also smile while staring at her, she looks so beautiful while flashing her smiles.

Then she suddenly looked at my way, her smile slowly fade away as she keeps on blinking her eyes, i just follow her with my eyes when she put those dolls on her basket and walk towards my way.

Why is she everywhere? Why she pops up especially these days that I am trying my best to erase her existence in my mind, i don't want to disobey dahyun, not now, especially not ever.

"Hi" she greeted me with her brightest smile "i didn't know you know this place"
I smile shyly, fidgeting my hands as i met with those orbs, "I always went here H-how about y-you?" i ask stuttering a little bit.

She smile and look around us, "This is my second time coming here, my friend show me this place" i look down on to her basket full of some toys, clothes accessories and so many vintages things, she must be enjoying this place.

"Ohh i just feel like buying this dolls" she said as soon as she caught my eyes on her basket, "its weird cause i actually don't like dolls but i feel like buying this for some reasons"she added shaking her head then she smiles, " it's good thing you are here, I'm actually alone so would you mind joining me to this diy Caffè nearby I'm just taught that they serve the best latte art of starry night by Vincent van goh"

I titled my head thinking if i should go with her or decline her, i don't wanna come with her and make dahyun mad again, but i don't wanna break her heart by saying no,
I actually don't know what to do at this moment.

But then the next thing i knew my head was nodding yes to her, my body responds to her in any kind of way.

I wanted to stay away from her but what can i do? I'm destiny didn't want me to!!

I only see my self with her sitting down into a fine nice café near the vintage shop, i was sitting in front of her watching her took pictures of our foods and drinks, she looked happy snapping her phone.

"its so beautiful... I'll upload this to my Instagram" she said then giggles "I'm sorry you can actually drink now" she said putting down her phone to the side.

I just nod and grab by coffee smelling the wonderful aroma of the coffee, it lingers into my nostrils dancing and seducing me to taste it.

I put the cup on my lips planing to finally take a sip but mari stop me, "wait!! Don't move!!" she said holding her palm up in front of my face.

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