Chapter 6

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Shyam and Khushi came back after spending so much time together and as promised Khushi brought Anjali the ice cream she requested for, and the two of them watched movies for the whole night.


Mami: hello hi bye bye where is Anjali betiya and Khushi betiya don't tell me they are still sleeping.

Nani: strange normally it's Khushi betiya who wakes up very late not Anjali betiya what is wrong with her Shyam beta?

Shyam: what to say Naniji? Ranisaheba and Khushi just went to bed this morning because they decided to watch movies last night.

Arnav: well Khushi is supposed to go to the office with me this morning.

Nani: I think you should let her rest today and start tomorrow chote because there's no way she can cope with work today.

Arnav: okay Nani

They continue with breakfast and after that everyone went to their respective business
Living the women in the house

Khushi: hello mum?

Aliyah: baby are you alright? I've been calling you for God knows how many times why are you now answering?

Khushi: calm down mum I slept late okay so I was still sleeping the time you were calling. Mm mom I'm sorry for the way I spoke the other day, I didn't mean to be rude to you, I was just scared you will leave me and my fear was speaking that day, I'm really sorry.

Aliyah: it okay baby let's forget about it and take good care of yourself, I called to check up on you and to tell you I will be traveling next month, your grandfather called me today and they wanted to see you.

Khushi: grandfather? I have a grandfather?

Aliyah: Yes you have a family I mean my parents and brother and before you asked why I never told you is because I wasn't sure if they would accept us when I got pregnant with you.

Khushi: it's okay mom I understand erm okay sure I would like to meet them someday. Mom I have to go bye I love you

Aliyah: okay baby take care and I love you too.

Brielle: well did the sun rose from the west or is it my illusion that the almighty Kiya Tomlin has graced me with a phone call today? do you still remember me though?

Khushi: ha very funny Brielle, sorry I didn't call you sooner than this but I was going through emotions.

Brielle: well are you alright? Let me guess your dad?

Khushi: yes it's him, he got married to another woman and I'm not allowed to call him dad but rather I have to call him brother simply because the family doesn't know about us and he wants to keep it that way can you imagine?

Brielle: woah that's something else sorry my friend I can imagine all that hurt you went through these months, by the way is the wife good to you even as your father's sister?

Khushi: yeah to tell you the  truth she is too nice and her family is great too
Oh and I have a great news for you, your babes here is dating someone.

Brielle: WHAAAAAT!!!!! who's that hunk I really need to know everything and I mean everything don't leave any stone unturned.

Khushi: hey hold your horses, his name is Arnav and we'll it will shock you that I'm dating the man who is supposed to be my uncle.

Brielle: what you meant to tell me is that the guy is your stepmother's brother? Khushi you are really bad my friend.

Khushi: well blame him for being handsome and single, and to justify myself he and everyone thinks I'm their in-law's brother so no one can blame me.

Brielle: does your parents know?

Khushi: well no my dad will kill me if he knows and telling my mom is telling my dad because she'll tell him everything and I decided to keep it from them for sometime, and you are not going to discuss it with anyone okay?

Brielle: yes mom, well I have to go bye keep calling babes

Khushi: I will  take care bye.

Since Khushi didn't go to work she and Anjali decided to spend the rest of the day shopping and having fun. The bonded very well and Anjali was happy that Khushi has finally accepted her without any doubt. And rest of the day went by.


Khushi: good morning everyone?

All the family members including Shyam were shocked to see Khushi up early and is even ready to go to work

All family: good morning

Mami: hello hi bye bye you seem excited for work this morning Khushi betiya

Payal: ( shock you right?) Erm Khushiji I made something for you to send to work I hope you like it.

Khushi: erm yes? ( It sounded more like a question than an answer since today is the first time payal have spoken directly to her not that they have something against each other but that was payal's nature she was the introvert type and doesn't talk unless it's very very important). Let's go Arnav.

Arnav: okay a minute. He gathered his things and they left together for office

Sim: hey lavs did you hear that there's is a new comer who is going to replace Raj today? and she is a girl

Pam: yes I heard that they are family.

Lavanya: hmm let's see who this lady is and if she tries anything funny I will teach her a lesson

Sim/ Pam: hmmm okay?

Just then ASR came in with a beautiful goddess besides him and they went straight to the office.

Arnav: welcome AR Khushi, what do you think of this place?

Khushi: not bad I like it

Arnav started kissing Khushi and they were interrupted by a knock on the door.

Akash: erm sorry Bhai is Khushiji here? (he saw Khushi) you left this at home ( he handed the lunchbox to Khushi) okay I'm off take care Khushi and welcome. He left.

During office hours Khushi has made some friends and also some enemies to and Lavanya was their leader. She was planning something for Khushi to know who the boss is and also to warn Khushi to stay away from her ASR.

Lavanya: Sim, Pam come to work early so that we can execute the plan okay

Pam: okay but you need to be careful because I find it suspicious that ASR sir and Akash sir keeps an eye on her she must be someone important to them.

Sim: Pam is right lavs you need to be careful before it backfire on us I don't want to lose my job.

Lavanya: we won't do anything to her we will just corner her and scare her a little so that she won't cross us

Both: okay

let's see if their plans will have effect on Khushi or will the table turn?

Next chapter
Time leap
Aliyah in India

This story is focused on Shyam and Khushi so I'm not going to elaborate on Arshi romantic time they will just flow as the story progress

jijaji's daughter Khushi Where stories live. Discover now