My Royal Duties

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My parents left me to run a planet by myself with no training?!

"My Lady your parents have left and you are now the queen," the head butler Peter said. He handed me a letter that had my name on it in my mother's handwriting. I ripped it open to see if it was true. Inside the letter I almost fainted for what was written inside.

Dear Acym,

Me and your father have left the castle and our positions to you. We are bored of our everyday life and have flown to a rain forest that was nearby. We are in need of adventure to fulfill our wishes. Run Cepheus by yourself in the meantime. We will be back in by a month of exploration.

Love,Mother and Father

"WHAT YOU LEAVE ME TO RUN A PLANET WHILE YOU GOOF OFF!" I screamed. Peter has seemed taken back a bit for me suddenly shouting. It is going to be hard on me I have to train for this. I suddenly clench my fist. "Peter get me some lessons to train," I state with a deadly aura my grip getting stronger. "As you wish your majesty," he says as he walks away.

I'll be way better than my parents. They leave their only daughter without any warning to lead a planet. They are the worst leaving the civilians on their own. What if she didn't find out in time. She makes way through the giant hallway to her humongous bedroom. She got a cape out of her closet along with an oversized crown. She took off her princess dress and got a button up silk cotton shirt, with a plaid red shirt. She put everything on and gave her dress to the maids. "I'm going to be the very best ruler this planet has ever seen," she mumbled. "Peter make sure the town knows we are going to have a public announcement tomorrow," she stated. The old butler nodded as response and left her. As she speed walked to the throne to sit in her father's seat.

The maids were whispering about how Acym was taking on the duties head on. She over heard them and her ego went up. She admitted she was a natural born leader, who does anything for the sake for her country. She was training with her tutors when she heard them. She was doing everything well to the public speeches class to the money management class. She went to bed she packed everything she could into one day; tomorrow she had to tell the whole planet what has happened to their original leaders.

She walked to the front of the castle that was heavily guarded by knights. She smiled at them and they stayed there like stone. She busted through the doors the planet was surprised when they saw their princess there instead of the king and queen.

"Hello today I am your new ruler; my parents have left for a month," she said calmly. She took another deep breath "That is all," she said. She turned as her cape swayed with the wind as she closed the giant doors. Everyone was surprised that was all. Til one person started laughing. She seemed so serious and that was all she said. Then everyone started cheering,

Acym was proud of her awesome speech as she made her way back to the throne to take care of paperwork and other things. She was filling things out for new banks and buildings. She read through the important parts because there was a giant stack in front of her. Hours passed by; then soon became days. She was finally seeing why they were tired of the same thing everyday. All of it was paper work sometimes a person would come in but that would take even longer. She looked at all the mail and paper work. She saw some and threw it off for the maids to pick up.

It was marriage proposals from different princes wanting to be crowned. She was disgusted; she never got them before but now princes from other planets were sending them in. Acym was fine besides herself. She wanted to fall in love with someone not get arranged. Even her parents let her support her idea. That is how they met.

Acym was starting to get a little tensed with all the work coming in. She was already through two weeks. She just to need to get through two more weeks and then she is home free. But she didn't know most of the topics the letters were about and then she would have to read more stuff. She had to go through more trainings and it was making her body sore and her attitude tense. "Man this is hard I should have the maids read it to me and then just sign it," she mumbles to herself. "I'll do it for you," Peter comes out of no where and picks up the stack. "Let me handle this have a break you look stressed," he says as he starts handling the stack. As I do I walk to the entrance of the castle and I walked along the garden. It's beautiful here. I walk to a giant cherry blossom tree. It was planted because I was born; a new flamingo came into the world. I sat right underneath the petals and I drifted off into dream land.

I was woken up by some soldiers saying it was late. They escorted me back the castle. I looked out the giant windows. I love night time it is always pitch black and you can see the stars and the other planets very well. I went to my giant bed and fell asleep in my clothes.

The next day when I woke up I did my usual business but it turns out a princess from Kashem planet was going to visit. She was a crane I remember; as I sit on my throne thinking if I met her anywhere before. I think I met a crane princess before but I don't remember anything at all. I sigh in frustration. She was going to visit in a hour so I have to get ready in my formal wear. I call the maids to my room to help me put on my dress.

This is my last week of being princess and I have to deal with someone else. I walk to the throne and sit in my mother's seat so they at least think I have etique. The last thing I ever want to do is start wars between our planets. I hear them walk in; it was a girl with black long hair and blue. She had a small crown and she was wearing all white with feathers in her hair. "It's nice to meet you," she smiled. "Thank you for visiting," I greet her. "May I ask why visited?" I tilt my face when I do it. "I wanted to see how you were running things," she says with a big grin still. I nodded and sighed to myself so she wouldn't hear me. We spent the whole day doing nothing but work. By we I mean me all she did is sit right next to me and watched me work.

As she walks out with her guards my parents burst through the door. They had scratch marks all over them and they were wearing safari gear. Of all the times they come home they look like that. "We are home they sing," they sing. They both turn to stone when they noticed there was an important guest here. They were covered in mud and dirt; they even left tracks. She just laughed when she saw them in the attire and left. They just stared at me and how elegant I was in my dress. "How was ruling the planet like?" My father asked shaking. "Fine I guess," I shrugged him off. I took off his crown and put it on his chair. I walked past them and said "Goodnight." I heard the maids running to their sides telling them the whole story since they know I won't. I changed into my pajamas and went to bed. Ruling the kingdom was fun. I am ready for the near future; I think as I drift off into my dream world.

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