Chapter four:Andrew daivd summers and Parker daivd maxwell

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Scarlet looked up with more fear then before scary her brother would click on the resemblance, or even worse parker.

"It's great to see you again scarlet, I was just on my way to the house to come and see you" Parker said not noticing Andrew yet; scarlet knew she had to get out of there before he did.

"Excuse me I need to get going" scarlet said pushing past Parker "come on sweetie" she whispered to Andrew who follow her.

As scarlet walked away she heard the two men talking about her, she guest

"mummy who was that men?" asked Andrew with widened eyes; scarlet took a deep breathe before responding and to take a moment to think about her answer "he's a friend of your uncle Kyle" scarlet finally replied while hollering a taxi, as scarlet did the guys ran up to them she then get's Andrew in the taxi and pushes herself in telling the driver to go anywhere that wasn't here and he drove off.

"come on my truck over here" parker said pointing over to his truck; after Kyle had told him what had happened with scarlet and how she just walked out, he didn't know the whole story yet but was hoping to find out.

They rushed over to the truck

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