||| Troubles in The Plan |||

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Hello people, please keep in mind that this is my first fanfic being published on smth so please remind me if anything is missing and please dont be rude about it.


Being strung up wasn't the ideal but I had to make due anyways, being under captive kinda means I don't get a choice.

I was in the Sabaody Archipelago right now, in line to be sold of at the auctioning house. I let myself get captured because I had the wonderful idea of stealing the money from whoever bought me... But I much rather would have preferred to be poor then strung up, too late to change that though.


"Father! Since were here can we get another slave. A sexy one too! I haven't had some fun in foreverrrrr, all the others are broken..." I dragged on until a firm voice replied "Fine. Make it quick" and with that I was sprinting.

~°Back to first POV;???~°

I shifted back and forth in my chains, them tightening as I did so.

This is definitely gonna leave a mark...

I looked down to see the dress they had forced me in to 'make me look appealing', though I thought I was rather pretty without it.

It was a skin tight white dress, sleeveless with a furl cupping the bottom. It was rather short, only coming to the middle of my thighs.

I sighed closing my eyes.

This'll be a while

I waited in silence for them to call my name and bring to the stage, eventually that would happen and since they save their best for last I would probably be in the middle, if not the first person.

After a few names mine was finally announced and I mentally prepared my self.

"And next we have the mystique beauty, Lian Stryfer " the announcer bellowed as I was dragged from my feet to the stage.

I held my breath and squeezed my eyes shut while being presented. I probably looked like a balloon. It wasn't until he started talking and some eyes trailed off of me when I finally let go of my breath and took a peek.

My eyes widened when I saw how many people there were.

How could so many people take a liking to using humans as toys and tools.

I was disgusted. The announcer voice ringed in my head, it being the most audible thing to hear right now.

"She can cook, she can clean, she can even have fun if you know what I mean." the announcer paused, wiggling his eyebrows while shamelessly staring at my chest, "The mysterious woman is only wasting her beauty here. Who would like to bid among the fine face!" he squealed out.

My eyes shifted across the room till it landed upon a males had shot high through the air, eyes widening. The announcer took no time to address him though. "And who would we have here!" the announcer exclaimed with glee.

The male stood up and upon his eyes making contact with the announcer, he froze. A cold sweat breaking down the announcers face. He took no time to correct himself... "Ah, a..as to what a pleasure do I get to see t..the son of G..germas king here..." he fumbled around his words, rubbing his hands together awkwardly.

Whats his problem..

The man stood proud announcing "I will be taking her." he said almost roboticly. He was a tall and broad man wearing something that looked like a jumpsuit...? It was covered mostly by a black cape with the number 4 planted across it in green. Everything about him was green, even his hair which slimed back into a point.

I feel like I know him some how...

"Y..yes of course!" The announcer stumbled then grabbed ahold of my chains and threw me to the floor, off the stage. Later after came a pair of keys, which I tried to scramble after but flinched when a tall boot struck them hard on the floor.

"Your coming with me pretty lady." I looked up to find him smirking gleefuly and I stumbled back.

Obviously i wasn't expecting to land in the hands of someone like him. This'll be difficult to get out of.
OMG typing on a phone is SOOOOO HARD! Tell mw if your liking it so far, im trying my best here.
Also I might ad some doodles at the end or in the middle cause i want to.


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