||| The Welcoming |||

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Welp I doubt this could end up worse. Now im stuck in the clutches of Germa and I don't feel like fighting an ARMY to get out sooo...

After being oh so kindly dragged to the front gates I was shoved into a small room. "Find someone to get you the uniform." The man known as Yonji stated.

Ah yes just give me a minute their probably just hidden waiting in here for me...

Ugh why does royalty have to be sooo cocky and rude. That was kept to my self though seeing as I didn't want to start a fight with someone who I barely just met. But for some I would...

He had no problem plodding out after I was left with little to no information. Shutting the door behind him causing the room to fall pitch black.

Great..  Just great

I fumbled around a bit until I finally found the switch, when I was leaving to open the door it sprang open, nearly taking my face with it.

Out plopped a young woman with brown hair wearing a maids outfit. "Ah, here you are. We better get you ready before you see anyone." she said smoothly, grabbing my hand and leading me to a different room.

She handed me an outfit to fit a maid around my size. I looked down at it in disgust, "Do you have anything bigger...?" I mumbled out after seeing how short it came on me, just covering my upper thighs. The top was a tight blouse with a frilled collar, black and white suiting the maids.

"Oops, Im sorry but that's all we have on hand..." she said pitifully. I glanced up to her, realizing I never got her name. "Hey its okay, by the way would you mind telling me your name?"

"Oh Im sorry, my names Cosette!" she piped up from the question and turn of thought. "Yours?" she asked, "O..oh Im Lian, Lian Skyfer."I replied nervously.

"Well we best be going, the king would like to meet with you." she piped.

The king. What'd he want...

After finding our ways through the long corridor and mazes of the castles we finally stopped infront of two big doors.

I felt like I was being squished over the hight of the massive doors that didn't fail to intimidate.

After knocking gently of the door a booming voice echoed "Come in." So stern and controlled, even just his voice would make others second guess decisions.

The door creaked ever so slightly, revealing us to the male. He looked at us judgingly before turning his back. (yes pun intended) "What can you do." he never directed his voice to anyone but I knew he was talking about me.

"I..i can clean and u..uh f..f..fight...?" I sounded more like a question then a statement but who was around to care.

He quirked a brow at the fighting part and chuckled a little, "You, Fight." I nodded furiously causing him to widen his eyes for a split second before deciding.

"Fine you can help my children in training."
Hee Hee Hee you will now see the sexy strong Lian Hee Hee

Promise to add some doodles next one though it might be in a while seeing as im goin on vacation.

Next up : TRAINING

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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