The Beginning

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Two fae brothers protect the forest from those who mean harm. Losing their parents was a tragedy that turned into resolve to protect their own so no one can feel the same lost they have. Shadow is a fae of light that protects the forest in the day is quick and strong as he sent many of the kings soldiers away with his magical abilities summoning spears of light to ward off the trespassers from his home. Mephiles a fae of darkness is the forest protector at night, his abilities is one that is even strange to that of other fae beings. He can summon dark beings to attack and confused his enemies with illusions to keep trespasser's from entering the forest. Many mortals are frightened of Mephiles powers as some claim that he curses his victims. All except his brother Shadow who is always ready to defend Mephiles from those who will accuses Mephiles of whatever troubles they have to nightmares or other misfortunes that will happened.

Despite some fearing him Mephiles does not fault them. Being a fae of darkness you tend to cause some problems with other fae. Mephiles powers are that unmatched to any other fae even his brother. His appearance is one that many find disturbing for he has no mouth yet speaks. His eyes are that of slits like a reptile that glows in the darkest of nights. Personality wise is one of a cold wall that makes one run the other way. Shadow is almost a complete opposite while he can be serious at times and dismissive he can be a ear that will listen to vent out problems and gentle. His eyes are that of rubies that glow with a fire to protect those close to him. He's like an older brother to all the young fae and is the only one that Mephiles will let his guard down for.

It seems nothing can break these brothers bond until one day a mortal girl stumbled upon the forest somehow getting past Shadow as she played with some magical creatures that are called chaos. Her fur is blonde and she wears a blue dress that is now wet from jumping into the lake as she plays with the chaos. Her quill is long almost reaching to her ankles as she swims and giggles catching the attention of Shadow who was memorize by the hedgehog as he stepped out and introduced himself.

From there love bloomed and many times Mephiles would catch his brother sneaking off somewhere when his watch was done. For a while he did nothing thinking his brother was seeing a fae that catch his fancy. It wasn't till one day by chance Mephiles saw them and wasn't happy about the relationship. Fae and mortals do have a history of pairing up but it wasn't viewed well for one mortals have short lives and if a fae loses their partner they themselves soon follow as their very beings become one with nature. Mortals can have many relationships but fae believe in that one soulmate and will tend to be aggressive to others that fancy their soulmate. So many flaws and unpredictable paths that will surely lead to his brother being hurt or worse.

He voiced his concerns to his brother which led to them arguing and they refused to speak to each other for many months. An cruel fate it is when they do decide to make up that a mortal with a iron sword split the brothers apart for all eternity setting the motions of hate and despair consume all in the area. A howl of pain and anguish filled the air as shadows and dark crystals filled the area! Some unfortunate enough to be caught in the crystals dark form frozen in a state of never ending nightmare's. The once beautiful forest is now barricade by a crystal wall trapping and forcing all away. Years passed and all try to come near wall would fall victim to the curse crystal having nightmares and eventually turning into a being of darkness. No one knows what happened to those inside the walls all assuming they met the same fate as those who touched the walls.

Parents will tell their children to stay away from the crystal forest for no one will come back the same. Tales will spread to many villages eventually reaching kingdoms that have many fearing such power and believe it must be destroyed. A power beyond those of high status and caused fear will attract attention of those with wicked hearts.

One day a young hedgehog with fur of white and quill's that points up towards the sky. His golden eyes that usually were bright with joy are now filled with fear as he ran from his pursuers that threw rocks and yelled vulgar words at him. Silver was an odd child whose mother kept him safe until now as an illness took her and left Silver an orphan. Silver has a secret and that secret was found out by his chasers as he made his way as fast as he could run towards the crystal forest. Silver didn't stop running even as his chasers stopped as he ran deeper into the forest as fate has plans for this hedgehog.

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