Prologue - The Prophecy

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Long ago, every creature lived in harmony with each other. Even the flying snake-tailed lions, currently the most dangerous creatures in the world, we're once docile and sometimes could be domesticated. But, one frightful day, a famine came along and the lions got hungrier than ever before. For once, they had to kill their trusted allies and owners to survive, which is what they did.

The two most commonly known tribes, Kestrel Tribe, the most powerful tribe, and Starling Tribe, the stealthiest tribe, fought together at first. But soon, the tribes started arguing over who was at fault for the lions' sudden outrage.

This drove the tribes apart and, after months of passive-aggressive treatment, Kestrel Tribe turned on Starling Tribe and declared war on them. While the war was going on, one healer, and their apprentice, from each tribe met in secret to discuss the war and ask for help from the spirits of the elements. They all received a distinct prophecy and told their tribe leaders about it. The prophecy goes like this:

When the war has lasted far too long
and has shaken all creatures, weak and strong,
children from each tribe will come,
on the darkest day, without the light of the sun.
Children, each cast out of their tribe,
who can control fire, wind, and ice,
will arrive as saviors in the night,
to stop the tribes' perilous fight.

Now, the tribes wait hopefully for that fateful day when the promised children will come and put a stop to the war. Little do they know, the children have already arrived...
Hiya! The name's NB_Dragon, but you can call me Foxie or just Dragon :D I'm gonna try and make sure I update this story weekly, so look out for Chapter 1 next Friday! While you wait for the next chapter, I have another story I'm writing right now called Ashpelt's Destiny, so go check that out when you have the chance. Alright, this is NB_Dragon, signing off!

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