Chapter 13 - You're a Perfect Fit!

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The next morning, I woke up to see that Scout was no longer in the den with me. Luckily, Roxie was still there, but I wasn't even thinking about her at the time. I scrambled out of the den in a panic, my throat tightening at the thought of what could've become of Scout.

"Scout?" I yelled, trying to sound calmer than I really was. "Scout, where are you?"

"Right here," I heard Scout's voice coming from somewhere behind the rock that hid the foxena den.

I saw his head poke out from behind the rock as he said, "You... you sound worried. Are you okay?"

I shook my head to clear my mind and replied, "Yeah, I'm fine."

I went over to him and he patted the ground, inviting me to sit next to him.

"When did you wake up?" I asked.

"A few minutes before the sun started rising," Scout replied. "Is there a problem?"

"No, I was just wondering if you got enough sleep," I muttered. "Last night was kind of..."

"Hectic?" Scout finished for me.

I nodded and laid my head down on the rock behind me. To my surprise, it was actually way more comfortable than I thought.

"So, about yesterday," Scout said. "You said something about the prophecy while we were talking. What was that about?"

"Oh, well I was just going to tell you that I'm one of the prophecy kids," I said simply.

"You're joking?" Scout tipped his head to one side.

"Not at all," I said. "I'm being serious."

"Wow," Scout stared at me with wonder in his eyes. "Saved by the guy who's gonna stop the war."

"Well, it's not just me," I said. "The prophecy requires two kids from both tribes."

"Right," Scout muttered. "What are you implying here?"

"You fit the description of the prophecy perfectly," I told him. "Everyone in your village thinks your strange because you hate taking part in anything that has to do with the war. You're an outcast, just like me. Plus, you can control wind. You're the kid who's gonna stop this war with me."

Scout's eyes widened in shock.

"No way," he said. "I... I might actually do something useful for once. Is that what you're telling me?"

"Well, I wouldn't put it like that," I muttered. "But, I guess so."

Scout and I were silent for a while until I heard Roxie whimpering inside the den.

"Sounds like she's wondering where you are," Scout laughed.

I nodded and got up, heading towards the entrance to the den. I poked my head in to see Roxie stretching her legs and yawning.

"Hey, girl," I said. "Scout and I are just outside talking. If you wanna join us, then you know where to find us."

Roxie curled up and shut her eyes again, obviously asking for more time to sleep. So, I left her alone and went back to Scout, sitting next to him again.

"You know," Scout began, resting his head on my shoulder. "I used to have dreams about you before I met you."

"Same here," I said, a bit surprised at how trusting he was of me already. "What were your dreams like?"

"Well, I'd be falling off a cliff or something, but you'd always be the one to save me," Scout explained. "Or you'd be sitting and talking to me like you are now. Asking me questions, telling me things, teasing me, you get the concept."

"Oh, how long have you been having these dreams?" I asked.

"They only started last week," Scout replied.

"Mine only started a few weeks ago, before I started looking for you," I said.

"What are they like?" Scout asked.

"Well, I can't exactly remember," I chuckled. "But, I can tell you about the most recent one."

"Go ahead, then." "I was laying down on the ground and stargazing with you when you rolled over to me and put your arm on my chest. I got all flustered and you started teasing me. Then I woke up."

"Sounds like someone liked me even before he met me."

"Hey, I do NOT like you like that."

"Your dream says otherwise."

"Oh, shut up."

We basically spent the rest of that morning talking about our lives, teasing each other, and getting to know each other better. I knew we would need to get to know each other if we were going to stop a war together. It only made sense, after all, that we'd become friends while restoring peace to the world. But, a part of me couldn't help but think that we were meant to be more than friends. A lot more than "just friends"...

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