Hello! Can you hear me?

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"Canny if you are anywhere here please reply . Canny.. Hello.. Are you here? Where are you?" Mike was shouting completely freaked out as Canny was missing suddenly. No trace of her anywhere, not her footsteps or even her breath. It was as if she disappeared into thin air. We were busy moments earlier arguing amongst each other that we didn't even bother to check if everyone was there.

"What the hell was it . First some blue light and now Canny is missing . What does all this mean?" I was really pissed off while speaking .

"It was a green light and what do you mean by telling all these stuffs and feeling scared after all this .You and your stupid explorations . Canny please reply...(weeps) . I I I..can't . You were the only best friend in my life. Your cookies...were the best I ever had . Think of Mike without you . He would literally die . Canny please come back where ever you are . Hear me..Sa..rah calling you Canny please I need you ... Ah (cries aloud) only if we wouldn't have come to this exploration I wouldn't have lost her ." Sarah weeps.

"Stop saying like that Sarah, (Mike was almost in tears) I know Canny is a brave gi..rl . She would find her way out.. When we get out we would find her standing out..side, smiling at all of us and winning the race way before us like always."

"Let's hope so. Hope..so.."

Even I was in tears. She was more than a friend to me . She used to help me in my job, she was very daring and stubborn when compared to Sarah and quite smart too .Her positive attitude always made us smile and work harder each day. I couldn't believe all what was happening to us.With the hope of finding her we started moving around the room shouting her name at the top of our voice but all in vain.We could find no trace of Canny anywhere and sadly we stopped our search for her.

"We could neither find her bag or the gun . Oh God what are you trying to do with all of us. It seems as if she was never in here."Sarah was still weeping.

"We have no other choice other than to walk . Also what more can we search for her in this darkness. We have to find the way out and get back to the submarine, then we could get some torches and hopefully find her somewhere. Lets move." I said with no hopes at all of getting out of here.

"But then what about Canny you can't leave her like that in this hell . All alone . How can you be so rude Jim. What if she is in danger?"

"Sarah we do not know where is Canny and we ourselves are in danger . We have no other choice than to leave this room and walk forward."

"No you can't be a cheat . She believed in you and came for this exploration and it is our duty to find her right now and not later."

"Sarah try to understand me . She is missing and is missing. But we have to complete our mission and that's it for me. We will find her later."my fear made me more rude.

"Where are you Jim. I can't see you as it's dark. Come closer." said Sarah.

"I am here. Right here ."

I caught her hand to make her understand where I was . As soon as I caught her hand she slapped me very hard on my face with the other hand. The slap echoed around the room making Mike jump.

"Ouch that hurts."

"Mind your words. You dare to speak like that once more."

I think the slap was necessary for me. I was indeed a bit too rude for a moment.

"See it doesn't matter Jim and Sarah .We will find her." Mike spoke after so long.

Mike was still in trauma of losing Canny . They were best friends since school. Mike without Canny and vice versa could never be imagined. Left with no other way, we all continued walking in pitch darkness towards nowhere hoping to find an exit.

For some reason I felt something bad was going to happen . And suddenly as though alarms were blazing we could hear screeching cries of people, loud enough for eardrums to tear. Not knowing what to do we closed our ears hoping for it to stop. The sounds were too loud that I myself started screaming.

After 5-10 minutes it all stopped. Silence was back around the place . I tried feeling myself just to check if I was alright and luckily nothing happened to my ears except for the echoing which remained due to prolonged exposure to the cries. Slowly I took hands off my ears.

"What the hell was it. Sounds of people crying . Something is actually wrong in here. Isn't it Mike?"


"Sarah where is Mike?"

"Sarah? Don't fool around now."

"Where are you both?"

"Hello....hello Can somebody hear me? "

Just like Canny they all went missing. Now I am all alone. All alone...


(a/n: Now he is alone . And wait for more problems coming next...so don't forget to vote and comment...see you all soon..thanx.

Stay tuned!)

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