Deku love story/new life part 2

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Chapter 8

Back in America Denki and Deku are getting off the plane and Dave was there for them. They get their bags. In the car going back to the condos. Deku said you told me you had something for us other then our rings. Dave said yes and your rings are in the gloves box. Deku leaned forward and got them. Both rings are ingrained. One is Denkideku and the other one Dekudenki. Deku hands Denki's his and puts his on too. Dave pulls up to the condos and gave three keys to Deku. Dave said I have the one bedroom condo next door to you two and gave you my two bedrooms condo. Also third key is to this car. Denki and Deku said thanks. Dave said well you two are going to be married in March so you will need your own place and need a car to get around places. Plus I don't get visitor like you may get with your friends from Japan or you two be having kids after you get married so you will need a room for the kids. Also here Denki. Dave gave Denki his green card. Denki said thanks Dave. Dave helped take their suitcases, hero bags and the big Pikachu into the condo. Dave said dinner for you two is in the microwave just need to heat it up. Deku said thanks you have done a lot for us uncle Dave. The next week Deku and Denki are in college to be doctors. They still shadow Dave at the hospital and goes on porle with him as well. There some nights Deku still cant sleep so he studies in the kitchen to not wake Denki. Its December now, Denki comes downstairs and said babe you're still up, come to bed. The bed is cold without you. Deku said my sleep med isn't working. That's why I'm down here so I don't wake you well I study. Denki said well I am tried and want my fiancé. Deku said come here and sit on my lap. Denki walked over to Deku. Deku took Denki in his arms and sat Denki down on his lap. Denki layed his head by Deku's shoulder and raped his arms around Deku too. Denki said you should get a doctor oppmites to see if they need to up your med because this has been going on for awhile now. From the plane crash. Deku said what? Denki said when we went to Japan. Deku said okay. I know and I have a doctor oppmites after the wedding and we get back home here. A hour later at 4am Denki is back to sleep and a text from Eri came up on Deku's phone. It says happy 11th birthday to me. I'm a woman. Thanks to my big brothers for telling me all that stuff when you were last here. It helps. Deku text happy birthday Eri other then your first monthly I hope it went well for you. Eri text Deku did I wake you? Dadawa just told me we're 15 hours apart and thinks its early morning for you and Denki in America? Deku text its 4:30am here. But don't worry I was up studying because I can't sleep yet again. Also it's your birthday it's not everyday you turn 11. You are sweet calling Pikachu and I your older brothers. Eri text I heared about your little sister Izumi, Deku. Also with Shinso doing his thing to us all. You and Denki are more of older brothers then Shinso. Also I dont know if you want to know or not but Ida cheated on Shoto and is with Shinso and copying cat now. So Shoto is single hurting like you was before Denki and you got back together. Sweet revenge for hurting you. It's in the Japanese newspaper if you want to know more about it. Deku texted how you know about my sister? Eri text Kirishima, Katsuki told me when I asked why you were over ported of me and you are a better brother then Shinso. So they told me you had a little sister name Izumi that only lived for four years before she passed away from cancer. So from then on your heart hurt for her and your family. So when you save me from Overhaul you look at me like your little sister. But whatever way you look at me I love you both. Deku text okay. Hope you have a good rest of your day and good Christmas for you, your dads. Bye. Eri text hope you and Denki have a good Christmas too. Bye love you. At 7am, Deku took Denki to the couch and layed him down and put a blanket over him. Deku start breakfast then woke Denki with a song. Deku put breakfast on the table and walked out to Denki. Knelt down and song wake my sunshine Pikachu. Denki opened his eyes and said what it's to bright. Deku said I have breakfast on the table for us. Deku kissed Denki and Denki kissed back. Denki put his arms around Deku's neck. Deku picked Denki up and went upstairs to their room. They took off each other's shirts and Deku put Denki on top of him. They started making out. Deku ran his fingers through Denki's hair and Denki put his tounge in Deku's mouth and Deku did the same. Deku fringed Denki and Denki gave Deku a blow job. After a hour they went back downstairs. Had to heat up their breakfast too. Denki called to check up on Kirishima with his pregnancy. His 7 months pregnant. Kirishima was sitting on the couch eating ice cream and watching tv. When he picked up. Kirishima said hi Denkibro what's up? Denki said just got up so wanted to check on you and baby sharky girl. Kirishima said I hate being pregnant I'm as big as a whale and I'm only 7 months. I'm just sitting here waiting for Katsuki to get home from porle with Sero. Also I was put on bedrest for the rest of my pregnancy so that sucks. Deku said who's taking care of him? Denki said who's there taking care of you? Kirishima said Mina sits with me on most days and she just lefted five minutes ago. Katsuki due to be home in a hour so I'm staying on the couch watching tv and eating ice cream that the baby wanted before Mina lefted. How have you and Deku doing? Denki said we're good. Just Deku's sleep meds haven't been working for him so he's comes downstairs to the kitchen to study the doctor books and other stuff too. At this rate he's losing sleep but be able to be a doctor sooner then the 10 to 15 years it normally takes. Kirishima said wow, how much sleep is he getting? Deku sat a plate in front of Denki and said two hour a night if I'm lucky. Deku sat down with his plate too. Denki said I get to have my two surgeries next week. Then six weeks to heal. So I be mainly on bedrest as well. But get to have three day to be back to normal I guess to call it before coming back to you and Katsuki for two months and to have our wedding well we're there too. Kirishima said that be nice to be in your man body for your wedding and you wouldn't be wearing your binder for it. Denki said yeah don't get me wrong I want to enjoy both things, but I wish both things is over done and behind us. That also means you would have your baby girl too. Kirishima said that be nice. When Katsuki gets here I will hand him the phone so you can have a better view of me. But can you see my belly? Denki said I do and after Deku and I get married we're going to have kids so I be in the same way soon I hope. Deku said you really ready to have a kid? With both us heroes on top of studying to be doctors as well. Deku leaned in to Denki's ear and whispered I can put a baby Pikachu in you after breakfast if you want? Denki pushed Deku back and said no I want my two surgeries before that. Deku was smiling and laughing. Denki said but yes if it wouldn't mess up my two surgeries then I would love that. Kirishima said do I even want to know? Denki said Deku is just being bad. Deku said you said you want to have a baby soon, that's the way to do it. Denki said Deku baby I love you but after my two surgeries and I'm healed then you can put a baby Pikachu in me is funny. Deku said you and Kiri are calling his daughter a baby sharky girl. So your nickname is Pikachu so.. Denki said I get it Deku. Deku said okay now please eat or do I need to feed you like a baby. Denki said I hate to eat in front of Kirishima when all he has is a thing of ice cream. Kirishima said Denkibro I don't mind you eating well we're on the phone. It's fine. Denki said okay thanks. He started to eat. Kirishima said I been thinking. Deku you called me Kiri for awhile now so I'm thinking when I do the transfer to a girl more. I will shorting my name and be Kiri instead of Kirishima. Denki said so you picked mine and Kiri's names. Deku said I was only doing it as a nickname but okay. Kirishima said but thanks Deku, I been wondering what I could change it to and with you call my Kiri. I thinking that's a nice name for me as a girl. Denki said I will start calling you Kiri as well. Kirishima said okay thanks. 20 minutes later Katsuki walks in. Kirishima said Katsuki is home. He layed the phone on his lap and signed hi babe, how was your night? Katsuki signs I'm tired but it was like any other porle we walked away doing nothing. Kirishima sign so you want to eat and go to bed? Katsuki signed yeah, what did Mina make? Kirishima picked up his phone and said is Deku near you? Deku said I'm right here, what's up? Kirishima said can you sign chicken and rice with peas to Katsuki for me? Deku said yeah. Denki and Kirishima turned their phones and Deku signed chicken and rice with peas is your dinner. Katsuki signed okay. It's in the microwave? Kirishima signed yes. Katsuki signed okay thanks. Kirishima said thanks Deku. Deku said not a problem. Kirishima said before I go can I ask you a question as a doctor? Deku said okay if I can answer I will. Kirishima said my daughter is affecting my quirk a lot. Is that normal? Deku said yes, in the last three months of a pregnancy it can happen. That's why when Pikachu does get pregnant I'm not looking forward to being shocked by him or have our lights finger. Also if it gets to bad his quirk can shatter lightbulbs too. Like when labor happens it really affects the quirk of the mo.. the pregnant parent. Kirishima said okay I know this will sound bad but I'm talking about my quirk. Well being in labor to have my daughter I could go hard having her? Deku said if the hospital or how ever you're having her don't have a quirk canceling. Its different at different places. It can be a bracelet for your wrist or it could be a necklace or a choker like Pikachu wears. But yes you could. Denki said that's scary to think of with my quirk. Deku said yeah I know. But after you will have your daughter and I best she will be as healthy and strong as her parents. Katsuki sat down next to Kirishima and signed how you been Deku? Deku signed I been okay. Not sleeping much. My pills are not working anymore so I be up doing studying and doing my doctor stuff. Katsuki signed wow. Deku signed how's it being #2 hero? Katsuki signed okay I guess. You know Shoto is #1 only because you are living in America. Deku signed yeah I know. But so far I'm happy here and Pikachu is too. Are you happy in two months and you be a father to a baby girl? Katsuki signed I'm happy but scared as well. With no hearing I'm not sure how much help I be to Kirishima. Deku signed you find little things that you will pick up as time goes on with having a baby around. Katsuki signed I hope so. I would hate if Kirishima would have to do everything because I cant help. Also you and Denki be staying here at the house with Kirishima the two or three months you are here. I don't want any armit out of it. Please as my friend and uncles to Kirishima, my daughter do this for us. Deku signed okay if you have the room then we will. Kirishima said there's a double in the baby room you two be on. Deku said okay that works out. Also we should let you go. Katsuki is tired from work and I bet with being pregnant you sleep more now then before. Kirishima said yes you are right. Its funny a little, you are not getting much sleep but I'm getting a lot. Today alone I slept for 12 hours. Deku said you are pregnant so you would sleep more. You think that's bad. When you have her you may sleep for 24 hours well you are in the hospital. The books I'm reading as a doctor says must parents after giving birth sleeps for 15 to 25 hours after having their kids. Also if you had more then one like twins you would sleep longer because it be more strange on your body. Kirishima said nice to know. Well good night for us and good morning for you and Denkibro. Bye. Deku said bye. Deku put Denki's phone on the table. Katsuki carries a very tried Kirishima to bed. A week later Denki goes in for his two surgeries. Deku sits in the room on his phone to keep his mind off of the bad stuff that could happen. After surgery they wheel Denki back in and said both surgeries went well. Deku said thanks. Deku sat by Denki's bed holding his hand. Six weeks went somewhat smoothly. Denki is still a little shore but okay. A night before leaving to go back. They were all packed to go. Denki is asleep when his phone rings. Deku was on the bed next to Denki but he had his airpods in studying his doctor stuff. Denki wakes up and see it was Kirishima so he answers. Kirishima was in tears. He said I finally got someone to pick up. Denki said what happened you're in tears? Kirishima said two hours ago Katsuki seen our text about me being trans and stormed out to go on porle. Sero and I had a fight. You know how my hormones are with me pregnant so he left 20 minutes ago, I'm along. I'm having a lot of pain too. Denki put a hand back and said Deku? Deku took his airpods out and said yes Pikachu? Denki said Kirishima is in a lot of pain and he's along. Deku said give me the phone. Kirishima said hi Deku. Deku said hi I know you are upset but it's not good for your daughter or you. So please calm down. Kirishima said Deku I'm in a lot of pain. Deku said you think you are in labor? Kirishima said I d-don't know. I'm just in a lot of pain. Deku said Kiri tell me what pain you are having? Kirishima said very bad stomach pain.... Owwwww. I think my water just broke. I'm going have to walk to the hospital I'm not having my daughter here. Deku said no say put. I will call Kurogiri and we will potel to you. Pikachu keep talking to her and calm her down. Deku got his phone and called Shigaraki. Shigaraki picks up and said hi Deku. Deku said give the phone to Kurogiri please. Shigaraki said okay. Kurogiri said hi Deku. Deku said at one time you said you could potel from America to Japan. I need you to. Please now. Kurogiri said okay I'm coming to you. Deku said okay thanks. Deku and Denki got dressed. Two minutes later Kurogiri is in their livingroom. Deku had their bags and Denki next to him. They both went through a portal with Kurogiri to the base. Deku said I'm taking the car. Denki and Deku got in the car. They drove tores Kirishima's house. Denki said we're in Japan in Deku's car he gave his family and we're coming. Kirishima said I'm have to sit on this beach. Deku said I told you to stay at your house. You were on bedrest for a reason. You could hurt your daughter and yourself. They found her on the beach. Denki and Deku got out and helped get Kirishima in the car. Deku put Kirishima on Denki's lap in the backseat. Deku got back in the driver seat. Denki said okay we can go. Then handed Deku his eyepatch to put on. Kirishima said Katsuki lefted me. He throw the ring back at me before leaving. Deku said you can use my last name if you want for your daughter. At the hospital they brought out the wheelchair to take Kirishima in. Kirishima said Deku I want you in the room. The doctor said where's the other father? Kirishima held his stomach and said I don't know where he is, this my f-friend. Owwwww, I want my friend in the room with me. The doctor said okay. Deku hold Kirishima's hand well she gave birth. A hour later Kirishima had her daughter. The daughter is a month early but she's healthy. The baby girl had red eyes like her dads, half blonde and half black hair. They named her Nicole Might. Deku was on his phone and found pictures of Katsuki, Shoto kissing from four hours ago. Kirishima said Deku I forgot the over night bag and her car seat at my house can you go get it. The spare key is under the fack rock out frost. Deku said yeah I be back. Kirishima said they should be in the nursery. Deku drove over to Kirishima's house. Deku walked in heard a nose in the kitchen so he checked. A topless Shoto was getting coffee. A topless Katsuki with his pants undone was laying on the couch passed out. Deku said what the fuck? What happened? Shoto said Katsuki got really drunk and I was a little. We kissed and I was to drunk to stop it. Deku said did it go past just kissing? Shoto said I'm died, you are half villain and I'm going to die. Deku said did it go past kissing? Shoto said it did. Deku grabbed Shoto by the neck and dragged him out to the livingroom throw him by the couch where Katsuki was waking up. Shoto said what's going happened? Deku called Shigaraki and said have Kurogiri opening a portal at my location now please. To the base. A portal opened and Deku throw Katsuki and pushed Shoto through. Dabi and Shigaraki walk in well Deku was locking them up and text Denki got a flat I be long then I thought. Deku said you two, you know how to knack a building down? These two need to die. Kurogiri put their hero suits back on them. Deku used his third quirk he got from AFO and made them acted like they are fighting the villains when a building falls on them Dabi burns Katsuki and Shoto to kill them. Then they leave through a portal. Deku acked like he was trying to get to them but couldn't. They both were died. Deku started crying to make it look real. Deku got the bag and car seat Kirishima need and went back to the hospital. Deku walked in all sad. Deku said Kacchen and icyhot are died. Deku sat down with Kirishima and Denki. Few hours later they showed it on the news.

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