Deku love story/new life part 3

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Chapter 13
In a way Deku was right. After four years the baby girl died from a illness that no know she had. But it wasn't Izumi. But it was Ava. Ava is the little six months girl that Shinso brot them. Four years ago. She wasn't a natural baby from a pregnancy. One of those tube babies. So the fear was over. Deku is 29, Denki and Kiri are 28. So they have Eri she's 20 and she graduate from UA two years ago. Nicole she's nine years old, Dani she's 8 years old, Damian he's 7 years old. Izuku he's four years old. His the boy that Shinso brot them four years ago, Izumi and Katy who be four in a week. Eri got OFA and Rewind. Nicole got both Kiri's and Katsuki's quirks. Dani got Denki and Deku's quirks. Damian got Kiri's and Deku's quirks. Sero and Mina are still in their lifes and their nine year old daughter and 7 year old son both got their parents quirks. Momo and Jirou are in their lifes too and their 7 years son and six years old twin daughters got their parents quirks. Three months later in August Deku sat down with Kiri and Denki to talk to them. Deku said with you two as my husband and wife I want to talk to you both before I do anything. Kiri said you're scaring Denki and I. Deku said sorry I don't mean too. I'm thinking retiring or just quitting being a hero all together and just be a patrician/GYN doctor. I enjoy it better, its safer and seeing all those happy faces I see on pregnant parents just worms my heart to see. Also I be home more with you two and the kids. Denki and Kiri said if that what you want then okay. That be fine. Deku said okay so I be the patrician/GYN doctor of the family, Denki be the hospital doctor and here in a year if you still want to be a pro hero Kiri be the pro hero of the family. Also with me dropping being a hero and have more time home. Kiri you don't have to wait a year if you don't want to. You can go back whenever you choose after next month when I stop. Kiri said okay. Well what shirt should I wear with my hero suit. The last I had it on was nine to ten years ago and I was still a man. Deku said that black crop top that only covers your boobs and it's long sleeves. Also your pants I think I could sizes them down to fit your female hips. Deku got lost in thought thinking about the hero suit for Kiri. Deku got up and got a notebook and came back. Deku did his muttering he did in UA well he drowned Kiri's new hero suit now she has a smoking hot sexy female body. When Deku was done he turned it around and showed them. Deku said the only thing I draw this thinking of your red hair from UA. But you're back to your black hair from middle school. So if you want to go back to your red hair. You be the Red Riot hero again. Kiri took the notebook from Deku and said you gave me a smoking hot sexy female body. I have a mom body. Deku said Kiri my sharky girl you have this body. Denki said Deku not lieing you do. Also nice drawing. Kiri said I been thinking to go back to having my red hair back. But our kids have my black hair also my UA years was 10 years ago. Would it still look good on me. Deku said I drawled you with your red hair so I would think so. Plus Nicole and Damian are of the age they know it be dyed also I would be fine with them having your red if they want. Speaking of them. You can come in. Nicole, Dani and Damian came in the dinning room with them. Nicole and Damian said can we dye our black hair if mom be the Red Riot pro hero? Dani said I would if I can like to dye a little of my blonde hair liking the middle red to show that you're my mom too. Damian said if we may say what dad and papa said? Kiri said okay. The three of them said you do have a smoking hot sexy female body. Kiri, Deku and Denki didn't know what to say. Their nine,8 and 7 years old just said their mom had a smoking hot sexy female body. The three kids seen the shocked looks on their three parents faces. Nicole said sorry you said we could say what dad and papa said. Deku said yes we did but you three are under 13 we didn't think you would say sexy. Dani said well as a man for 18 years or as a female for nine or ten years. Mom will always be beautiful whatever way she want to be. Damian said it's like papa for six years of his life he was a female but when he met dad as kids. Dad helped him be a boy and when papa was 18 going on 19 dad like for mom payed for the surgery to give him the man body like for mom, dad gave her. Her female body. Nicole said we know you are trans and still love you both as our mom and papa. Like we love our dad who has a heart of gold to love them both for who they are. Not for what they were born as. Dani and Damian was nervous but said with saying that about trans. We feel like we might be. Nicole said yes well dressing wise then maybe. Eri was watching us over the weekend well you three had both days together and this two switch clothes for a day. They said it felt right. Nicole said well Eri said they were like papa when he was younger when he found out he was trans. So Eri told us what trans was and this two. I love them even if they are trans. These two thinks they are. The three parents said okay we still love you and sports you in your wishes and accept you for who you are. Deku said Danny come give your dad a hug. Danny came around and hugged Deku. Deku said your papa was smart when he named you. He named you Dani with a I thinking if you was like him you could have your name as Danny with a y as a boy's name. Danny said really? Denki said yes baby. Damian said I found a paper in your pitches that had Daniela on it with what looked like a young papa as a little girl. If you and Danny isn't using the name may I have it as mine? Deku said I don't think it be a good idea. Denki said no it was my childhood trauma so I should get over it. I am the man I want to be with my loving family. Damian said I didn't know it would have childhood trauma with the name so I can be something else. Denki said if you want to use my birth name I will not stop you. It's fine. Damian hugged Denki and said not if it will bring back whatever trauma you had. Denki hug Damian and said you may not know what child abuse is and I hope you don't. But my birth parents when I came out when I was still using that name would abuse me physically. It was thanks to your dad saving me and accepting me as a boy. He got me away from my birth parents. For six months your dad and I were like brothers. He helped me so much from cutting my long yellow hair, letting me wear his clothes and one day out of the blue he called me Denki for the first time. Then when I was older and started getting a female chest he bought me my first binder at nine. Then at 13 he got me my T-shots I'm on to be a man. Damian said you said you and dad was brothers for six months. What happened after that? Denki said I got adopted by some people who raised me and was fine when I came out as bisexual like your dad. But wasn't fine with me being trans. They called me a freak like that man did four years. He was a ex boyfriend of your dad and mine. Your grandpa Shota was his adopted dad. So we still know him and his two dads. Grandpa Shota loved a person who was like me trans from girl to boy like me. Denki is crying well tell all this. Denki said he would been your other grandpa. Mic but a little after your brother Danny was born he got sick and died soon after. They accept me and mom like you dad as who we are so they will be your true grandpas. The only grandparents you got to meet. Because the best parents for both your dad and me will always be his mom Inko and his dadmight who was pro hero All Might. All Might married his mom and adopted dad the same year he saved me. Nicole said so dad and I grow up the same? Deku said in a way yes. I had... Deku took a deep breath and said my birth father is villain AFO. He was with my mom and I with my older brother for five years of my life. He didn't like that I got my singing quirk. So two months after my 5th birthday he took my older brother who's also a villain too and lefted my mom, I. That's why I have a villain side that I take pills for since I was 8 or 9. Nicole hugged Kiri and said how about your parents mom? Kiri said when I came out as trans with me telling them I'm marring both your dad and papa. My moms, never know my dad. But anyway they didn't accepted me as trans so they didn't even come to our wedding. I haven't seen them since. Danny said so dad's mom, dadmight and grandpas Shota, Mic were the only good grandparents. They are died. But both sets of bad grandparents are alive and don't want anything to do with you three or us as their grandkids? Kiri and Denki said sadly yes. Damian said what happened to AFO and your brother? Deku said jail for AFO and my brother is still with LOV. I helped the pro heroes before us to get AFO. Denki and Kiri said when? He was at graduation. Deku said the month that Denki and I came back to Japan and you Kiri was two months pregnant with Nicole. Mic, midnight, Hawks and I didn't like it but Endeavor with the other pros. I asked AFO meet up at a abrading building. He came and the pros, I got him. He been in jail since. So yeah AFO and Shigaraki maybe my family. But they are villains. Heroes and villains are on different sides. So I hide my villain side for years, because I'm a hero and got my dad AFO put in jail. So blood or not heroes and villains don't see eye to eye. Once a criminal always a criminal and heroes lock up criminals. Now I'm not saying all villains are criminals. My brother Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, Twice and Kroger are not criminals. They just got dealt a bad hand in life. So yeah until life got away from us I seen Shigaraki, Dabi and Toga on a daily basis. But I want to say we just moved back from America. So it was around when Damian was born. Damian said I'm 7, so for 7 years you haven't seen or talked to the LOV? Deku said sadly yes. Man has it really been that long. That's crazy. But yeah that be right because only Danny was born in America. All our other kids were here in Japan. That was a pain doing that paperwork to have Danny as a Japan citizen. Kiri and Denki said yeah it was. Nicole said how long were you in America? Deku said two year? I think. I moved there on graduation, Pikachu came for his visit a week after me. We got back together then too. We came for a visit a month later for my 19th birthday, sharky girl was two months pregnant with Nicole. Pikachu and I went back to America for six months. Sharky girl went in to labor so we came back here for two months. She had Nicole, the three of us got married and helped her to move to America with Pikachu and I. Pikachu was two months pregnant with Danny then. We were in America for 7 months of Pikachu pregnancy. Danny was born in November, Eri came to see us in America then too. I know I was 21 when Danny was born. Mic died that June or July so that's two years after graduation so I was 22. So yeah two years and three months in America then we moved back to Japan to help your grandpa Shota and shared this house for three years. Wow, I thought we were in America longer. But no only two years. Denki and Kiri was laughing. Deku said what? Denki said that murdering you did in UA. Kiri said you were doing it finger out we were in America for two years. Denki said also you haven't used our cute nicknames since Nicole was four going on five. Kiri said you just said them. Deku said well when I made my three kids at that time cry because your nicknames are not your real names. I stop using the nicknames. Nicole said what? Deku said when you were four going on five I was in the hospital in a coma for two months. When I woke up because I only called your mom sharky girl and your papa Pikachu around you three. When we corrected you three about their names. The three of you being so young started to cry and said we thought mom was sharky girl and papa was Pikachu. I know I needed to start calling them Kiri and Denki again. So after four years I said their nicknames. Nicole said so when mom was pregnant with Izumi, papa was pregnant with Katy and that man, yours and papa's ex brought Izuku to us. You stop using mom and papa sweet nicknames because of the three of us? Deku said I didn't like seeing you three cry and to grow up only knowing them my sharky girl and my Pikachu. I had to stop calling them that and use their names. But I think I may be able to use the nicknames again with you three older and your two sisters and brother is older in preschool and starting kindergarten soon. So maybe. Denki said yeah I think you can. Kiri said yeah. The worst then is if our three young kids start thinking we're those names then you would need to go back to our names. Deku said true. But anyway back to what we were talking about before we went down a rabbit hole of the past. I'm dropping being a pro hero to just be Pediatrics/GYN doctor. Pikachu is the hospital doctor and sharky girl is going to be the Red Riot as soon as we get your hero suit fixed. Kiri said I also need to dye my hair red again. Yeah you talk about not knowing where the time since you seen Shigaraki, Dabi and the other LOV members. I wasn't able to dye my hair when I was pregnant with Nicole so I slowly went back to my black hair. So around nine years since I last dyed it. Denki said other then a few months apart but that's how long we had our right bodies. Deku said I don't think we should go down that rabbit hole with our nine, 8 and 7 years old here. But yes it been around nine years since then. Denki said how time flies. These three be in UA in...uh. Deku said six years for Nicole, 7 years for Danny and 8 years for Damian. Sorry you're our daughter now so you need a female name that's not your papa's birth name. Damian said yeah because now papa said he was abuse at that time of having that name it should stay died. I don't think I could use Kirishima with it closed to mom being Kiri. My name as Damian cant be spelled different to be the opposite gender name. Deku said how about Rose, Lilly or Renesmee? Damian said thanks but no. I don't want to be called my favorite flowers and I can't even say the other name. How about grandma's name? Deku and Kiri said which one? Kiri said my two moms were Mary and Jane. Deku said my mom was Inko. Denki said and you're not getting my birth mom or adopted mom names. Damian said okay good to know papa. I mean my only good grandma name. Inko! I had a dream a few nights ago and this really beautiful green hair lady and blond hair man walked up to us in this park having a family picnic. You three know them but only the lady talks and said hi son. Papa calls her aunty Inko. Mom said its good to see them again. Dad runs to them in tears and hugs both the lady and the man. Deku said hold on a second. Deku put Danny on his other leg to get his phone out. Deku said I have had the same phone since first year of UA. So I have mom and dadmight wedding pitcher on here. He flipped through 1000s of pitches and find it. Deku turned his phone around and shown them. Damian said yes they are the two people from my dream. Deku teared up and said my mom and dadmight visit you in your dream. Danny said dad you okay? Denki said his mom died six months after we started UA. So you were 16 so 13 years ago she died and All Might died in thread year of UA and you were 18 so 11 years ago he died. Deku said yeah. Danny wiped Deku's eye. Deku said thanks Danny. I was really close to both of them and my little sister Izumi. She may only lived for four years. But I still love her. I don't have any pictures of her. We were going for a family picture when she got sick. So we only had her baby pitchers and must of those pitchers got last or when that fire happened in second year of UA I lost so many pictures and other stuff. I omust died going into dadmight's room after my mom's wedding dress and vail. Like I didn't care about anything else in the house. I would died before I lost that dress and vail. It's one of the few things I have lefted from my mom. Deku smiled and cried some more. Deku said I'm glad I did save the dress and vail. Your mom looked so beautiful wearing it on our wedding day. Both your mom and papa looked so good that day. Like they do everyday of our lifes. Even when they were pregnant with all five of you kids. Denki said Deku be real. Kiri said yeah, we were as big as whales and I didn't feel like putting my makeup on when I was pregnant. Deku said I still loved you both and you both looked as good as you all do. You just had little babies to add to your beauty and handsome. Nicole said what were we when we were born. Kiri said you were 5lb 3oz, you were a month early but healthy. Denki said Danny was 7lb 5oz if I remember right. Kiri took Damian hand and said Inko is the name your want? Inko said if I can yes. Kiri said okay so when Inko was born she was 8lb 6oz if I remember right too. Deku said with Izuku we don't know with him. Danny said he is the one like Ava that your ex brought here to us. Deku said yes you're right. Inko said how about Katy and Izumi? Deku said it was so crazy at that time I didn't remember. Denki said it was crazy and hard then. Nicole said I don't remember why but for a week after Katy was born. Dad and papa locked themselves in their room and with mom going into labor with Izumi got you two to come out. Denki said it's still to hard to talk about that. Deku said same. Sharky girl if you want to you can. Denki said yeah. Nicole said why do you both look like someone died? Kiri said your papa was pregnant with twins. A boy and Katy. But the boy was stillborn. He was died when papa had him. It's like Inko had a twin when I was pregnant. But on Nicole 2nd birthday I was five months pregnant with Inko and her twin. The twin died. Danny said I remember a little of that. You were bleeding so bad that the three of you think it was a miscarry. I remember Eri clean the bathroom after you three lefted. She said you mom may not have our sibling, she may of lost the baby. Eri walked in the front door then. Deku said Eri bear! Eri jumped from her nickname. Eri turned around to the three parents and three older kids. Eri said yeah dad Deku? You haven't called me Eri bear since I was Nicole's age. Deku said I'm sorry for that, but Danny just told us you told them that when sharky girl had her miscarriage of Inko twin. You told them that she lost the baby. Eri said I said may of lost it and whose Inko? Deku said Dani and Damian are trans like Pikachu and sharky girl so their names are now Inko for Damian and Dani is Danny. Eri said okay come give your older sister a hug Inko, Danny and Nicole. The three of them ran over and hugged her. Izumi, Izuku and Katy came downstairs. Katy said older sister Eri is home. The three of them hugged Eri too. Denki said Eri take the six kids upstairs and help Inko, Danny move their clothes to the opposite room. Inko and Danny said thanks papa. Kiri said of course we love all six of you as you. Also you took after your papa. Denki said ha. Deku said she's not wrong. I met you when I was 7 and you were six. You know you were different at six. Kiri said it was when I was 16 when I thought I might be but it was 18 to 19 when I realized and came out as different. Our kids are 8 and 7 when they are coming out as different. Deku said tomorrow I be changing their names like my mom did for you and me. Kiri said you changed your name? Izuku ran up to Deku and hug his legs. Deku picked him up and said for a different reason but yes. Our son here has my birth name. Kiri said okay we dated and been married for nine years. I'm just now finding out now both my husbands changed their names as kids. Deku said sort answers is I felt like I had too. I was five. Kiri said okay I remember now what you told me what happened. But you know you're not right? Deku said at that time it was how I felt. But yes years later I found out I'm not. Denki said good because you're not. Deku said but if you both remember how my life was. You know why I picked Deku to change from my name we gave our son. Kiri said he can be a Jr if you want to go back to the name. Deku said you know if you asked 11 or 12 years ago I would think about it but with having Deku as my name for 24 years of my life its apart of me now. For example It like asking Pikachu to go back to Daniela. He couldn't for two reasons. Denki has been his name for 22 years now and his not a her anymore. You as Kirishima would be easier to go back to then us. I see that look. But Kiri is your name now and it's the name our six kids know you as because that's who you are. You are Kiri Might like Denki is Denki Might. So yeah thanks but I'm staying as Deku Might. But anyway am I doing dinner tonight? Denki said how about the 10 of us go out to eat? Deku said if you want too. Kiri said help me with my makeup Deku. Izuku said mommy is a girl how can daddy as a boy help you? Deku said because daddy and mommy both use makeup. Izuku said okay but makeup is just for girls. Isn't it just for girls? Deku said who ever told you that is wrong. Both men and women can wear makeup. Now not all men do. Only a few do. Like papa his beauty is a natural beauty. He don't wear makeup. Mommy wearing makeup to enhancers her beauty. But like papa her natural beauty is really good too. Izuku said why does daddy wear makeup? Deku said manly because I like having eyeliner and mascara on. There is another reason you will find out when you get older. Izuku said I'm four going to be five soon, I'm a big boy. Deku said you are a big boy but its scary and I'm not telling our four years old something that will give you nightmare. Izuku said okay. Kiri said don't say how you got it but you can say why you have to wear the makeup over. Deku said my right eye has a scar over it and you know its sone close from a injury after you were born. Izuku said a scar on your eye and you cover it with makeup? Deku said yes. It's like Eri she got hurt when she was 15 and now she has glasses. Izuku said oh wow.

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