Stage II. Dysfunction

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Adverting to the left, adverting to the right,
The power of noise wasn't invisible and clear to hear,
'AH!' she anxiously screamed from fright,
The patience was hugging thin as more whisperings coming near,
Upon the thread ends of her hair gone flipped to where was the light,
Only to be switch it shut, and her youth noise only staged drear.
'Where was my time, my place, my mind, when dysfunction was all I could sight?!
Numerously covered under her safety shelf lost the full sentence child she used to endear.

Reconnecting the past frame of her behavioral, only anger rose upon.
Scribbling on the snatched blank white paper as she began to stand,
Only to blow it away through the passing wind hoping for it to never land,
It stated inside where her unfairly opening eyes of nothing but non,
How does a simple hummed of a manipulation become so docile to cruelty?
When she rejoice the ring from the other line, only to push more yelling and heavy breathing so tidy,
They're everywhere, circulating like flappy birds; she cannot roar a demand,
The spelling of confidence became unbalance.

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