Zenitsu x Demon! reader pt 2

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blood demon art: floral wake, you can create flowers that give off spores that generate an electric shock over time.       


Two days have passed. You sat back down on the tree you did when you first met the strange man. He was so far the only person you had seen who fought with his eyes closed. you couldn't get over how odd he was. You zoned out watching the leaves in the trees sway with the wind. Maybe he wasn't going to show up after all. The moons dim light shined through the thick leaves. With a sigh you decided to jump down from the tree. Suddenly the sound of footsteps echoed through the forest. They were running towards your direction. "Weird electric kid?" You called out with a raised eyebrow, you tried to check if you could see the yellow haired boy. You saw a yellow silhouette start to slowly get bigger as it ran towards you. "Took his sweet time." You muttered; you didn't seem to notice the small smile that grew on your face.

"Sorry for being late!" He called as he started to slow down from his previous running. "I got lost... again..." He reached his hand behind his head awkwardly with a sigh. "I need to invest on a map for you." You said under your breath as you rolled your eyes. Which earned a small whine from Zenitsu  in protest. "Oh, come on! Cut me some slack! The woods are full of trees!" All you could do was blink at Zenitsu in response. "Thats what makes a forest, a forest electric boy. Plus, all you had to do was follow the dirt path! I don't think I was asking for much." you shrugged as you started to walk off of the dirt path and deeper into the Woods. Zenitsu paused as he looked around, reluctant to follow. "What's up spark?" You looked behind you as you glanced at Zenitsu who was anxiously twiddling his thumbs. "How can I trust you aren't going to just kill me once we go further into the woods?"

You stopped walking trying to think of something. "I don't know. I guess it's up to you whether you want to trust me or not. Be my guest to stay behind. Maybe a different demon will come out and kill you, who truly knows." Zenitsu's eyes widened as he heard what you said. He started to sped walk closer to you. "Good choice." You continued walking into the forest. The sound of water grew closer as the two of you approached a small stream of water. "A river?" Zenitsu glanced between you and the water. "Do you also not know what a river is?" You looked at Zenitsu with a sigh. "No! I know what a river is! I'm just curious as to why you brought me here." Zenitsu crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "It's a good place to drown someone." You shrugged. You were obviously joking but teasing Zenitsu was fun. 

You walked over closer to the water; the sounds were calming and peaceful. Zenitsu hesitated before he decided to join you next to the water. He let out a short sigh as he watched the water as it hit the side of the bank. "Do you come here often?" Zenitsu asked as he for a spilt second turned his attention off of the water and on to you. "Yeah... Mostly when I need to think or just don't want to deal with people." You gave a small chuckle at the last part. Suddenly you felt something touch your shoulder. Zenitsu Had laid his head on your shoulder as he closed his eyes. His breathing started to slow down as he drifted to sleep with a small smile on his face. "Good night spark." You said as you patted his yellow hair with your free hand.

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