Fourteen - Callan

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"Fuck!" I panted, thrusting my hips one last time before exploding into the small blonde girl beneath me. my whole body shuddered while she screamed beneath me, her own release rolling through her like waves of a tsunami.

When I collapsed onto the bed beside her, we were both slathered in sweat and panting for breath. "That was amazing," the girl rasped. I couldn't for the life of me remember her name, not that it mattered now, she'd leave and I'd never see her again. 'Amazing' seemed to be her favourite word. She'd been at my fight last night and had called me over afterwards to gush about how amazing it was, then when I'd driven her back to the penthouse in Ethan's car, she'd claimed that was amazing too. And then the house was amazing, kissing me was amazing, sucking my dick was amazing and being fucked against the wall, in the shower and then in my bed last night and this morning had been amazing. If I heard the word one more time, I might've strangled her.

I didn't bother to respond – which was a big mistake. "You're amazing," she stated, smiling over at me in a way I'd seen a million times before. "I've never met anyone like you." I was well versed enough in the language of women to know that meant she'd never been fucked properly.

I ignored her again and rolled out of bed. I grabbed some clothes from the closet and started to get dressed in hopes that she'd get the hint. When I invited her back last night, I'd made myself extremely clear in stating that I only wanted one night. And yet, here she was, staring at me like I was the one.

I shuddered under her gaze and decided to take the hinting further by tossing her bra towards her. She looked a little taken aback and slightly defeated and for a moment, I thought I'd been successful but then she met my gaze and held it as she sat up, letting the covers drop off her. Her tits were huge and her nipples peaked immediately under my stare. But I forced myself to look away. I was spent and it was nearly eight-thirty which meant Lys would be getting up soon – I wanted this girl gone before then.

"Last night was fun," I told her and her smile returned to her face, even while she started to fasten up her bra.

She slid out of the bed and started to rummage around the room for the rest of her clothes, making a point of sticking her ass in the air when she bent over to grab them. "It was amazing," she said again. I grit my teeth and finished dressing before standing by the door while I waited for her. She threw her clothes on and turned to me. "Maybe I'll see you again?"

I nodded despite the fact I had no intention of seeing this women. The sex had been great but she was clearly not the kind of girl that could fuck once and then part ways and I had no interest in being tied to this girl in any way. "Sure, I'll call you," I told her to spare her feelings. I felt like a bit of a dick but it wouldn't last and I was sure she'd move on.

I walked her to the foyer and told her to help herself to a coffee since she had gushed over the coffee machine last night. Apparently, it was amazing. Meanwhile, I started preparing some breakfast for myself and Alyssa – although I didn't expect her to eat any of it. I decided on pancakes, something she could eat with the fruit she had every other morning. "You can show yourself out when you're done," I told the blonde woman who was raiding the fridge for milk.

Before she could reply, I made my way down the hallway, aiming for the den where I must've left my phone last night when I'd come back from the fight and was talking with Noah and Elliot. As I passed the lounge, I paused, sounds coming from inside like the tv was on. I frowned. Was Lys already awake?

I pushed the door open to find it dark in there. The blinds had been pulled down over the windows and the tv was on a low volume, a black and white movie playing. For a moment, I didn't spot Lys and went to leave but then I caught sight of movement beneath the blanket on the couch.

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