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There was festive mood all over Dwarka. After all there was only three days left for birthday of their favorite Dwarkadeesh. Draupadi, Subhadra along with Yudhistir, Bheem and all others were visiting Dwarka. Even the Kauravas along with Shakuni and Angraj Karn was there.

But one person was missing from there. It was none other than the person whom Krishna loved the most in the world, his other half, his soulmate, the great Madhya Pandav Arjun.

He started his journey with all others but in the middle of the journey he left saying he had some important work to do.

"Go Jyesth. I will be there in time. Do not worry", said Arjun and left before anyone could stop him.

But how could Panchali not worry for her Arya.

"Govind, everyone knows how much he loves you and how much eager he was to come here. But when we were coming, he left saying he has work. What kind of work can he have? Arya Yudhistir did not give him any kind of work, then where did he go missing your birthday?", asked the fire born.

"Well, my birthday is day after tomorrow and he has not missed it yet, did he?", cheekily asked Govind. Seeing the unimpressed glare of the Samragyi, He said "Sakhi when it comes to loving him, I will always be the first. You will always come after me. If I am here fine then he is perfectly fine too. As long as the universe is fine then he is also fine because if something happens to him there will be no universe left.", said the mischievous lord of the universe with an unusual somber voice. "Rest assured he is absolutely fine and will come here soon", saying so he winked at her and left from there.

Yajnaseni shook her head and thought " Hey Mahadev please let Govind's words be true and return him to us as soon as possible."

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