Chapter 1- Missing prince

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In a Jungle

Arjun is roaming here and there trying to find something. But he can't. He has been roaming there for past one hour but still nothing.

He prayed to Mahadev 'Hey Prabhu please help me find it. I can't imagine how happy Madhav will be when I give this to him. Please help me.'

As if Mahadev has heard his prayer (which he did by the way) he caught a glimpse of a brilliantly colored beautiful peacock feather. He immediately ran behind it. He saw a gorgeous peacock but as soon as its eyes landed on him it ran away leaving behind a single feather.

Arjun immediately went and collected it. Finally, he got what he wanted. Yes, he was searching for that feather as he caught a glimpse of it in the woods while coming. He could not wait to see this feather on Krishna's head.

He smiled to himself and started his journey back to Dwarka.

In Dwarka

Krishna was eagerly jumping around and giving instructions to everyone to make sure everything is perfect.

Everyone including Subhadra and Balram was also confused seeing Krishna this energetic. He normally just smiles and teases everyone but never actively takes part in decorations.

It wasn't until afternoon that they were able to corner him.

"Kanha what are you doing?", asked Devaki. "It is not like you to behave like this. What is going on Putra?"

"Mata, your answer will come very soon. Now I have to leave. There is so much work left for me to do.", said Krishna and left like a whirlwind.

"Oh! One more thing, get ready everyone.", said the slayer of Kansa and disappeared from there.

After sometime, everyone was present in the royal hall. They were ready and waiting for Krishna to come. Suddenly Satyabhama came there running and said, "Swami is not in the palace. In fact, no one have seen him in last one hour."

"What! At first Arya Arjun now Bhrata Krishna. What is going on here?", said Shubhadra agitated.

"Satya, do you anything else like how he has gone or if he has taken anyone with himself?", asked the Chakravarti Samrat.

"Nothing much but yes, he has taken his horse. He never takes his horse. He always uses his chariot." Replied Satrajiti.

"Hmm, horse. Come on everyone. I think I know where he has gone.", said the Mighty Balram.

Everyone except Devaki, Vasudev and Kunti followed him and rode out of the palace.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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