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Hi hi!! ♡☆

Okay, to start off, thank you for reading my fanfiction! I didn't actually have very high expectations for this, so it means a lot to me you've clicked on it! Even if you're just reading this then leaving, it still means a lot!!

To begin with, I want to warn you that the reader in this is referred to as 'you', since I wish to keep this as gender neutral as possible! If people don't like me using 'you' for them however, then I might upload a second version of this book; it'll be the same but rather than using 'you', it'll say either 'I' or 'they' depending on what people want more!

Secondly, this is mainly based off of the 2022 movie!! I only read the book when I was like, 12 maybe, so this is loosely based upon what happens in the movie with some changes here and there but will overall follow the original plot, 'kay?

I'd also like to put it out there that this story may contain an NSFW chapter at the end; as a treat!
(^◇^)It will not affect the main storyline whatsoever, so if you're not comfortable with smut then you don't have to read it! You won't miss out on anything!

And just a friendly reminder that I am only 1 person!! I am a college student, but I'm not an adult Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑), so sometimes there may be delays with chapters; but if there ever is going to be a delay I promise to warn you beforehand! I don't know if I'm going to stick to a certain schedule, but I want to try and publish at least 1 chapter a week!

And lastly..

Comment, comment, comment!!

I promise you're not going to annoy me no matter how many comments you publish; if you're too embarrassed or nervous to post comments then that's completely okay!! But if you do want to post comments then oh my gosh please do, you have no idea how much it means to me! <3

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