Love confession (QJ0076 / Glomerulus)

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Could it be that it was all so difficult? Could it be that his friend was right: big as he was, could it be that he would never be able to say those few simple words that would perhaps change his life forever?
Maybe there was something wrong with him. When he had arrived on the threshold of that temple, as old as the body that housed him, QJ0076 had believed that what he was about to do was as simple as delivering oxygen, at least from the words of his friend, who had told him not to worry, that it was enough to just be himself and things like that.
Yes... but since when did 04-kun, who had never been in a relationship, know about these things?
He would have liked to tell DA4901 what he was feeling, first of all to him, a red blood cell who had earned the respect and trust of all the other cells thanks to his seriousness and reliability. He should have spoken only to him, but fate had played a trick on him by putting his childhood friend, SS1104, in his way. In fact, more than "in his way", QJ0076 would have preferred to say "behind his back", because that was what had happened to him when that phrase came out of his mouth.
«Oh no, I think I have a crush!»
Whether it was fate or mere coincidence, the one cell that should never have heard those words was right behind his back. QJ0076 knew his friend very well and knew that he would never leave him alone until he had achieved his goal, in this case to get him to confess his feelings to that sweet, gentle cell that had caught his attention from the first day he saw her in the kidneys.
«You'll see, you won't regret it!» he had told him, pushing him towards the kidneys. «In the worst case, you're strong: what can a shower head do to you? Tall and strong as you are, at best you'll come home with a bump on your head!»
So you say, the red blood cell had thought, running his hand through his hair as doubts began to crowd his thoughts.
To confess his feelings to her? To her? Would it have been right, or would it have offended her? What if she hadn't liked his words? What if she didn't love him as he felt he loved her?
With a sigh, he crossed the entrance to the majestic building and headed for the blood-cleansing rooms. His eyes immediately fell on a dark-haired girl with her back to him: she had just put the shower head back in place and was adjusting her hair before resuming her work.
QJ0076 swallowed loudly. The embarrassment was getting the better of him: there was still time to get as far away from that area as possible, but his legs weren't helping. He felt as if he had two pieces of uric acid crystals in place of his legs, a material that not even the kidneys could easily break down and dispose of.
No... no... 04-kun is right: the sooner I do it, the sooner I'll forget about this whole thing!
Finally, his legs moved in the direction of the girl, who was surprised to see him when she turned around. After all, he hadn't gone to the kidneys to clean himself up: the proof was in his clothes and face, which were still clean, as if he'd just started his work shift... or rather, that was the case, as he still had to make his first delivery of the day.
When they were facing each other, eyes to eyes, he took her hands and in a burst of courage tried to tell her how he was feeling about her.
«I... wanted to tell you... that...»
But he couldn't. Suddenly he let go of the young cell's hands and apologised for the sudden disturbance. «I just wanted to let you know that I'll be back in a few hours. I have to go now, see you!»
He turned his back on her and as soon as he was out of the area, he rolled his eyes and sighed again.
Dealing with bacteria is easier than this situation... I'll never make it!

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