i gave the voices in my head a megaphone...

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Original Owner: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30335904

Credits to hannahbal

After the tears are dried up and reassurances are said, everyone makes it back to the respective seats.

"I know that one was a bit rough... But are you all ready for the next one..?" Stellar asks a bit subdued.

She gets sniffled 'yes ma'ams' and nods so she hits continue.




Loaded: I gave the voices in my head a megaphone

Stellar cracks a smile "Ah, I think you'll all enjoy this one. It's a bit longer than what you're used to though."

"We know Izuku is the main character, but is Aizawa the... Second main focus again?" Jirou asks

"Ah, no. Not this time. It's uh, Shinsou mostly."

"Ooooooh~!" Mina smirks towards the purple boy "Is this one of the ships we've talked about previously?"

"You'll have to wait and see~"

Shinsou blushes and ducks into his seat, Izuku doing much the same.

Hitoshi was intimately familiar with the wrong side of 2:00AM. More often than not, he greeted the hour with all the affection of a second cousin twice removed who kept asking for a personal loan. But Hitoshi was broke and indifferent and couldn't really keep accepting these kinds of calls.

Wait, where was he going with this? He's had about four hours of sleep over the last three days. He's so damn tired.

"Shinsou-kun! Sleep is an important part of staying healthy! If you-" Iida's ran about a proper sleep schedule is cut off with an elbow to his stomach courtesy of Uraraka.

"You can lecture him later Iida-kun!"

Usually, his insomnia had him wandering the halls of his new dorm alone with the occasional side-shuffle past the enigma that was late night Tokoyami. Sometimes he'd hear strange noises from one of the random rooms of his classmates but Hitoshi lives by the personal motto of "none of my business" when it comes to social interactions. The creed of champions and anxious people everywhere.

But tonight in particular, he has an accomplice to his crimes against restful sleep. He had hobbled into the common area as soon as his room became too oppressive and stumbled across a hyperventilating Izuku on the couch.

So here he sits, shoulder to shoulder with one of the first real friends he made in this damn school, awkwardly guiding the shorter boy into a more reasonable breathing pattern. One that actually provided oxygen to the lungs. He highly recommends it. It takes a few minutes of wheezing before Izuku manages a characteristic apology and an even more characteristic heartfelt thanks. Like the fact that Hitoshi sitting beside him was a blessing to him.

Like Hitoshi hadn't been in this exact same scenario two other times just this month.

"Ah! Shinsou-kun!" Izuku buries his head in his hands with a blush "I'm always happy to help if you ever need any company!" He sends Shinsou a blinding smile.

"Too bright" The purplenett whispers, the ones sitting around him chuckled.

Aizawa sighed "We really need to get these kids into therapy. Kami knows they need it."

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