Tea in a Bar Pt. 2

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Summary: Part 2 of Tea in a Bar! Remember to give the original author some love!

Original Owner: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32039665/chapters/79391656#workskin

Credits to Atiya_Blackcharm




Loaded: Tea in a Bar Pt. 2

"Oh! This is the one where Mido gets sorta kidnapped by the league right?" Mina asked Momo who was to her right.

She nodded "Er, yes. I believe we left off on Twice asking if he was alright, and Izuku responded with a no."

"Correct. Are you all ready to begin?"

"Problem child, come here." Aizawa murmured gently. He wasn't going to let the boy sit by himself through this. Aizawa's Thoughts: He doesn't think he'd be able to sit through this without knowing his Problem Child was right here and okay

Izuku timidly made his way to the man and sat beside him, turning to him and giving him a sheepish smile.

Aizawa ruffled his hair in response and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling him close.

Despite being villains, or people who have done questionable things, none of them particularly liked the look they saw on Midoriya's face when he answered Twice's question. There was a sort of resignation in the kid's face that didn't fit with the image that they had of him in their minds.

Shigaraki scoffed and mumbled "Just because we're villains doesn't mean we don't have any empathy."

Dabi snorted "Try telling that to your Sensei"

Shigaraki stilled for a moment before glancing quickly at All for One. The man just looked... Bored.

Oh. Shigaraki thought.

For Shigaraki and Kurogiri, it felt wrong to see it on his face because they had only seen bright eyes and a fierce determination. They remember how he looked in the heat of battle at the USJ attack. But that look wasn't there, instead the hero brat looked as if he didn't care about what would happen to him at that moment. And it crossed Shigaraki's mind that if someone else were in danger, that Midoriya's face would look different.

"I mean, isn't that kinda how he is now?" Kaminari got wacked in the head by Sero but protested "No! Just think about it! I've only seen Mido stick up for himself like, maybe twice. I've really only seen him fight for others."

Mic paused at the boy's words. While he hasn't been around all the incidents this year, he reflects on what he does know. What he's seen and observed where he could, and, well... Kaminari wasn't completely incorrect. He frowned sadly.

"I am learning." Midoriya said suddenly, making heads whip to him, he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly before continuing "Well.. Growing up Quirkless, it's easier to.. to not. Um, um, not say anything and stick up for, for uh, myself. That, that usually just made things, things worse. Old, old habits die hard. But, I'm, I'm working on it, I promise!"

"Mm, you just need to grow a backbone kid. We've seen you stand up for yourself more in this place than back home. Take that with you yeah?" Midnight smiled kindly in his direction.

His eye's lit up "I will! I promise!"

Meanwhile, for Compress, Spinner, Magne, Toga, and Dabi the look on Midoriya's face wasn't anything that they were expecting to see. They had all seen snippets of Midoriya from the sports festival. They saw the power that he inflicted with just one flick of a finger. When Midoriya had been warped, they had expected a fight with a UA student full of energy and righteousness.

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