49 and 50: the fight scene

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Exer and jackson were standing in the hall way. Exer was frantically trying to find Jackson and just when he though it was useless, he heard a voice "You..." jackson said a deep voice"

Exer turned around startled "me- I mean Jackson! Why tf do sound like tha- you know what, it doesn't matter. I was trying to stalk- I mean look for you! I just wanted to tell you- GASP!"

Jackson grabbed Exer by the collar, bringing him so close to his face that it looked like they were going to kiss.

"BROOOO, how tf are you and my gf besties now!?! Locky highky did you be which her or some shit???" Jackson yelled right in front of his face.

Exer looked confused and grossed out. " bb gurl Jackson, get cho stinky ass face away from me, your breath smells horrid. Also we totes ma goats made up! We talked things out last night with your mom!" Exer grinned

"You and me both know shes dead! Also, If you talked things out then why didn't you tell me!" Jackson continued to yell.

"TF DOSE IT LOOK LIKE I'M DOING??" Exer screemed. He was starting to get really tired of Jacksons antics.

"JUST STAY AWAY FROM HER!!! YOU DEF BEWITCHED HER YOU WHORE!!" Jackson screeched. He sounded like a dog.

"Gurl stfu, I did no such thing" exer pouted

"LIAR LIA PANTS ON FIREEEEE" Jacksons song. Quite literally.

"Omg SHUT UP. People can here you being a cringey little bitch. Also calm tf down! I was trying to explain what happened but I can't if you won't LISTEN!" Exer tried to reason.



"AhhHhHHhHhhhHHH" He got flung like bakugou throwing deku.

Exer stood tall above Jackson. Pure fear and regret flashed upon his face as he looked at Jacksons sad form sprawled across the ground.

Exer spoke "SHIIIIIT- I'm so god damn sorry, istg I didn't mean this shit! Plz don't sue me :("

Exer began to help Jackson up but suddenly BAM! Jackson hit exer sqare in the chin.

"Ja-Ja-Jackson??? 🥺"

Next thing Exer new, Jackson was ontop of him. It would have been pretty hot if Jackson wasn't beating the absolute shit out of Exer.


Students start to gather around them. They heard the scream and wanted to see what the commotion was about.

"Bro, you're being so cringe stopppp" Exer pleaded as he held Jacksons first to stop the blow. By this point there was a whole crowd of student forming a circle around them.

Not seeming to realize the croud Jackson yelled "OHHH NOW YOU WANT ME TO STOP?!? What happened to the sexy badass fatass bully I new and loved?? All I wanted to do when I came to this god forbidden school was to live a normal life! But I can't because of you! I tried to hard to be your friend, to support and respect you, and you did nothing but mess things up! I just.. I just wanted everyone to be happy!" He muttered the last part.

"I'm sorry, please, it hurts~" Exer mouned, and not in a kinky way.


Just then, David suddenly pounced onto Jackson, knocking him to the ground away from Exer. " NOT MY BF- I'M MEAN BFF!" David shouted

He continued "W T F. You can't hit people for trying to help! Especially sexy people! Tf is wrong with you shit for brains?!?"

Jacksons diary: A Remake Of Various Scenes And How They Should Have GoneWhere stories live. Discover now