Chapter 2

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I'm currently a Junior in high school. I'm definitely not popular or pretty like Amanda Rivers and Selena Ferguson. The most popular girls at school, they are always fighting for the top, but everyone knows Amanda is way more popular. Although they are best friends they always are fighting in school and make up 10 minutes later.

In my school there is 4 typical popularity levels:
1.- The popular kids: like Amanda, Selena, the cheerleaders and the jocks.
2.- The cool kids: those who occasionally hang out with the popular kids but aren't cheerleaders or jocks.
3.- The invisible crowd: I guess I go into this category since people don't really like me, the ignore me but I'm not teased constantly.
4.- The Nerds: rhose who constantly carry books and are teased.

Sometimes people laugh at my back and they think I don't realize that they are laughing at me. But I do, but ignore them, It could be worse.

My thoughts are disrupted by my dad's voice telling me to get out of the car. I wave him goodbya as he leaves and go into the entrance.

I imediately recognize Anthony, one of my friends. Although we aren't very close I decide to go talk to him.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey" he said back. "What's up?"

Before I can answer the bell rings, I say "sorry" and run off to my locker to get my things. You don't ever want to be late to Mr. Gilberts class. NEVER.

"I just can't wait to get this over with" I say to myself.

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