Rescue Each Other

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From Tumblr: cissyenthusiast010155

"And the last order of business: the Readers for this year..."

Leonora drowned out the voice of Clarissa Dovey, the dean of good, during what she had decided was the most boring school meeting in her entire career. Clarissa had spent 2 hours gloating over her victory from last year. Two fucking hours!!

Then eventually came the new student shipment.

Leonora looked around for the Reader of the semester... and she found you... In a corner, eyeing everything... dressed in dark colors... with pounds of make up on...

She scoffed at the make up, it was enough to be considered an Ever... But something bugged her about you, the new Reader...

And not just that she was once in her place... no... something irked her about you... something was wrong...

Flash forward to the opening ceremonies, she scanned the crowd for you.

Leonora ignored all the festivities of the new semester trying to scan the crowd for you.

Not that she'd pay attention normally...

She finally found you, again in the corner, wearing baggy pants and long sleeves, and again pounds of makeup.

Her eyes bore into you, causing you to look around to see who was staring at you. Your eyes locked with the dean of evil, and you immediately looked away.

"Strange..." the dean muttered... Usually people cowered at her gaze, but you merely deflected...

She decided that she didn't care enough and was just going to drop it.

Until you started having classes with her...

Lesso quickly figured out your style; baggy, long sleeved clothes with pounds of make up.

She had come to the conclusion that you were just insecure. And she thought that the uglification class would be a perfect way for her see if this was true...

She slipped into your first uglification class to observe...

She immediately noticed your posture. It was rigid, shaky. Not half as stable as when you were in her class. And you talked less. Matter of fact, you didn't talk at all.

Leonora started to regret this idea...

Eventually, you were dunked into the uglification concoction... Leonora's stomach churned with anticipation and need to know... Need to understand what it was about you...

But unlike most people... you didn't develop warts or anything...

No, your makeup disappeared and large black and blue and green bruises appeared over your face... cuts developed around your cheek and neck...

Your eyes brimmed with tears and you rushed out of the classroom. Leonora watched all this in still a fog of confusion...

She decided that the make up had to go. If you were going to accept your true evil nature and she was going to finally understand what the hell made you so special, the make up was going to have to go...

Leonora made her way up to your dorm, swung the door open, and found you helplessly trying to cover up your face as tears streamed down from your eyes.

You just stared at the dean. And she just stared back.

Leonora didn't know what to do... for once in her evil career, she didn't know what to do...

And that's when she noticed your clothes...

You were wearing only a tank and some shorts...

And your legs were had clusters of bruises and cuts on them... you arms were puffy red with cuts on them as well...

Leonora lost herself in that moment.

She roughly grabbed your arm, pulling you up from your seat and to her, "Who did this to you?!" She jeered.

It was unnatural... Ususally, Leonora rebelled in pain and discomfort, but this was something else...

"Who did this to you, Reader?!!" Lesso spat, her voice raising in volume.

Your lip quivered. Leonora saw fear flood your eyes. Not some fear of evil... but true deadly fear...

"No one... no one... please..." you whimpered.

"You're lying." Lesso gritted through her teeth, enraged at whoever made you this way.

it was unacceptable...

You slipped out of her grip, crying "No one! Leave me alone!" before running out of the room...

Leaving a stunned dean of evil...

She understood now... Boy, did she ever... And she swore she would make whoever hurt you pay...

But first she needed to find you...

Leonora broke from her trance and immediately began ransacking the castle. You were nowhere to be found.

Her heart rate was elevated, her breathing was sporadic... She had to find you...

She swung the castle doors open and rushed onto the bridge connecting the two castles.

If you weren't in one, you had to be in the other.

She was desperate as she searched Hugh and low in the Ever castle. She would interrupt every goddamn class if she had to.

Eventually she made it to the library. And she heard a sniffle. She tore apart the room, shoving shelves out of the way, until she finally found you.

Cradled in the corner of the library, drenched in your own silent tears...

Leonora was furious at you and whoever did this. But something broke in her when she saw you like that.

All her hatred melted away, leaving her fear and odd feelings of protection. She said nothing.

Leonora just sat down next to you and opened herself for you. You hesitantly took her advances but needed up curled up in her lap, crying silently.

She just comforted you. Occasionally tucking a strand of your loose hair behind your ear.

Eventually you sat up with a hiccup. Your head was low, your eyes filled with a dark nothing.

Leonora cupped your face, placing her head against yours. It was as if you two were silently communicating what could never be said with words...

"Now you have me, love. No one will ever hurt you again." Leonora whispered.

You whimpered in response.

She grabbed your chin, "Look at me."

Your glossy, teary eyes met her fiery, protective ones.

"I will never let anything happen to you again. I'd kill for you. You don't deserve all that you've endured." Lesso harshly spoke.

None of this was regular behavior for Leonora, but something with you had triggered her... triggered her too much of her own past, perhaps...

As If, now she finally felt understood, herself... felt seen... through a dumb Reader... no, not dumb, just hurt...

"I'd die for you." Lesso chocked out. 

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