My Mess

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From Tumblr: cissyenthusiast010155

You were in a staff meeting. And Clarissa was droning on and on and on... Next to you, Leonora was just as bored as you were. Both of you had no want to be in these pep talk meetings before a new semester.

From your peripheral, you say a smirk dabble onto Leonora's lips. What was she up to...?

You could feel her moving up within your ear shot from behind.

"How about we make this meeting a little more tolerable...?" She purred in a hush whisper for only you to hear.

You lightly blushed at her insinuating tone.

"What did you have in mind...?" you cautiously spoke back in a hushed tone.

"How about some dares?" Lesso purred inquisitively.

You held in a giggle for how immature that sounded at first, but gulped very quickly afterwards, realizing how serious she was being.

"Ok... I'll start..." you responded.

Lesso hummed lightly in agreement.

Anemone side eyed the both of you and your hushed conversation...

You continued, "I dare you to... smack your cane against the table without any words..."

You grinned at what you had come up with.

Lesso huffed, "Really? I expected more from you..." as she without warning smacked her cane on the table, causing everyone to sit up straight and stare right at Lesso.

And she just stared daggers right back. You stifled a giggle.

"Ok then..." Clarissa cleared her throat, "Let's resume, as I was saying..."

Lesso leaned back into your range of hearing, "My turn..." she said with too much wicked pleasure in her voice...

You gulped.

"I dare you to fuck yourself right here. Make yourself cum right here."

Your mouth dropped.

"I... what...?" you whisper chocked, not being able to fully process her words.

"You heard me." Lesso lustfully taunted behind you.

"Here?" you whispered with a dry throat.

"Right here. Right now." Lesso said with the biggest fucking grin in her tone.

You whimpered.

A deal was a deal...

You bit your lip anxiously as you carefully and quietly snaked your hand under your skirt.

"Hmmm... easy access..." Lesso purred in delight, eyes trained perfectly on your every move, as if she was the one hunting you.

You whimpered again once you reached your panties, hesitating.

"Go ahead. Fuck yourself." Lesso taunted, clearly enjoying this show you were giving her.

You slipped your finger under your panties. You brushed your finger against your clit, causing you to swallow a small moan which was trying to escape.

You reached your heated core, and found how fucking wet you were...

You bit your lip.

"How wet are you, slut? How wet are you from the simple idea of fucking yourself in front everyone for me?" Lesso wickedly taunted.

"So wet..." you whimpered, as you thrusted a finger into your now throbbing pussy.

You exhaled for relief of the neediness of your cunt finally being treated. You slowly finger fucked yourself, applying pressure to your clit every now and again.

The thought of being caught spurred you on even more. The thought of Lesso watching you lustfully made you even hornier.

You tried desperately to contain your moans, mewls, and whimpers.

"Add a second finger, pet." Lesso instructed. Her eyes very well trained on your face and all the contortions it was managing.

You did as you were told and added a second finger.

You were getting close. Your breathing was becoming shorter by the thrust.

"That's it." Lesso jeered, "Does the thought of everyone here and me watching you make you wanna cum, slut?"

You desperately nodded, trying to contain your hips from harshly bucking up to meet your fingers.

"Please..." you begged through strained teeth.

"Please what, pet?" Lesso taunted.

"Please let me cum..." you mewled, which you desperately tried to cover up with a cough.

But you were fucking mess. And Lesso was reveling in it...

"Cum on your own fingers for me, whore." Lesso whispered into your ear.

Your pussy clenched around your fingers, as you tried desperately not to scream Lesso's name in front of the entire staff, as you desperately tried to not give yourself away.

Leonora hummed in delight at the sight of you. You looked positively delicious...

Shortly after, Clarissa ended the meeting.

And you sat there, a fucked out mess.

Leonora darkly chuckled, "That was fun. We should do it again sometime."

And then she just left you.

In the meeting room.

Her fucked up mess.

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