Watcher of Fate (Vac'shar)

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Vac'shar glanced around Mess, chatter flying all around him, taking note of who seemed to be friendly with whom. Obviously, those who had been on the same crew before were the most friendly with each other, but that didn't mean that there wasn't some sort of tension.

If the short introduction on the Dropship wasn't clue enough, some people on the crew really weren't fond of each other. Either that, or they really didn't want to be here, as communicated by their short tones when introducing their jobs and pronouns.

(Vac'shar's and Tenavik's identities and jobs were forged by the Council, which was now only commanded by representatives from the House of Land and the House of Sea ever since the war started with the House of Sky. He had to say that the forgery was a good job, but it did leave some problems, such as the fact that no one knew them and they were therefore more suspicious. Maybe in the future they could kill someone and take their place.)

The captain of the mission (and Communications Officer) was clad in green, speaking in a low tone with Yellow. While Yellow wasn't Green's second-in-command (she was the Medical Officer), the optimistic crewmate definitely meant something to Green. 

Hovered over a Scrabble game were Black (Security), Purple (Electrician), Pink (Weapons), Lime (O2/nutrition) and Cyan (First Officer and Scientist), with Black playing against Pink, Purple and Cyan making bets on who would win, and Lime watching intently, glaring down at the players whilst occasionally shooting a dirty look to Purple (or Cyan, Vac'shar had a hard time figuring out who).

Next to Vac'shar was a young adult clad in blue, the color both mentally soothing and dark enough that if blood got spilled on it, it could probably pass as any other liquid. 

"Know who we're gonna target yet?" Tenavik whispered, copying Vac'shar's surveying look. 

"Vaguely," Vac'shar growled back. "Remember your cover name, we're going to have to room with someone else, so I'd say earn the trust of your roommate and hopefully stay out of the way of an accusation. Hopefully neither of us get put in the same room as the Medical Officer, but if you do, find some way to explain these-"

Vac'shar reached down and tapped one of his pockets, which held the supplements that would be vital for them to not go on a cannibalistic murdering spree. Which even though Vac'shar would say that killing was the whole point of their mission, brutally eating the bodies of those killed turned his stomach, to say the least.

"Ah. Yeah, that. So, double-checking, it's once a day? Or is it twice? Nevermind," Tenavik said hastily, seeing Vac'shar's expression. "I'll remember it somehow-"

"You need to pay attention when we're being briefed," Vac'shar said, sighing. "If your thoughts would stop running around like a screaming aweol, then you wouldn't get into so much trouble. It's once a day, but if you start to feel irritable or have unexplainable pains, particularly back or shoulder pains, take them twice a day."

"I'm sorry-thank you-I can't just not think," Tenavik rambled. "I mean, right now I am really trying to process the fact that I'm even on this mission, I wasn't supposed to be on one for a while, so really, thank you for speaking for me in front of the council, I know that you were really hesitant and just thank you for going up there and-"


"Right, sorry."

Silence between both of them as Tenavik anxiously picked at his dinner, rehydrated pasta that Vac'shar made sure was low in sodium. It wasn't like sodium would kill them, but life would definitely be easier if they limited their intake.

"Alright, crew," an impervious voice called, breaking the silence. Green stood up and looked at all of them with calculating amber eyes. "Listen up, everyone, I'm only going to say this once. According to MIRA orders, we will be spending approximately six months here on Polus, gathering data to send back to HQ.  As you all know, I'm your captain for the duration of this expedition, and Cyan over there will be my second-in-command. If you have any medical inquiries, come and ask Yellow, the best MIRA has to offer."

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