author time 🌚🌚

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Helloooooo guys I'm back 😎 🤪 after 4-5 months backkkkk
First of all I want to start with how are you'll ? R you'll are doing great in your life ? Did anyone missed me ? No ig 😕 well I hope you'll r fine and doing great and whoever exams r starting I wish u all the best and do great in  your exams ❤ 😊
Sooooo I was just here to say I'm back with..... many great ideas haha 😄 😆 as I always say but never do is that I will try TRY to upload new parts as soon as possible but but but my exams are going on and my boards exam are also coming very fastly I just don't know why but yeahhhh can't really do anything 😅 haha so I'm not really sure how fast I can upload but I will try as much as I can sooo yeah that's it ig

And one more thing
And that is.....
For so many reads and so many likes omggggg I can't believe it
I seriously can't believe it like danmmm
Haye Maa mata jiii (omgggg)(daya epic dialog)
I lob u all so so soooo much that I can't even explain 🥺🥺🥺
Thank you for making me so happy amd for supporting me hayee
I dont have words to express so I will leave it here only .
And please take care all of u and your loved once don't take unnecessary stress , give love to yourself , and spread love 💕

That's all for today Thank u and have a wonderful day ahead 💛

Thanks for reading 📚
Author Melon here

My sweet stepbrother 💜Where stories live. Discover now