Chapter 3

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Dream and Lust sat on the couch facing each other while holding each other hands. Lust took Dream's
hand and kissed his knuckle making him blush. "Its an honor to teach you something like this Dear Guardian." Dream nods covering his face with his other hand.
Lust held Dream's hand and looked straight into his eye lights.
"I'm gonna tell you now okay?"
Once again Dream nodded ready to listen. He slightly scooted closer but still kept space in between them. "Okay so Sex, especially an orgasm, releases the bonding hormone oxytocin which promotes a feeling of well-being and happiness.
As well as teasing and begging many people like that.
There's also kinks, you know what kinks are right Dream?"

Dream nods slowly while blushing very brightly. "I-Is there more?" Lust thinks for a minute then smiles. "Nope nothing comes to mind right now.
But I am gonna tell you that I have 6 steps. I'm not gonna tell
you what the steps are though.
Now let's head up to my room, shall we?" Dream smiles a little and nods standing up with Lust.

Lust leads Dream to his room so they can start step one. Lust stops and opens his door and let's Dream walk in first so he can close the door behind him.
He takes Dream's hand and takes him towards his bed and sits him down. Dream puts his hands on his lap waiting for Lust to tell him what to do. Lust looks at Dream and chuckles.

"Dream you don't have to sit like that."
"Oh, well this is how I originally sit when I'm with someone I'm not always with." "You look stiff, calm down a bit. For step one your gonna have to be calm and comfortable about your surroundings."
Dream inhales then exhales twice before looking at Lust. His hands now beside him instead of on his lap.

"Alright I think I'm calm enough." "Yeah I think so too. I'm gonna sit beside you and we'll go from there, okay?" "Okay."
Lust sits beside Dream and slowly puts his hands on his cheekbones and leans in for a kiss.
As they kissed Lust hands trailed from Dream's cheeks to his waist slowly pulling him on his lap.
Dream wraps his arms around
Lust neck and pulled himself closer.

Lust then pulls away and looks at Dream and then his cape.
"May I?" Dream looks at Lust for a moment then slowly smiles. "Of course." Lust slowly pulls Dream's cape over his head and starts kissing him again with his hands back on Dream's waist.
Lust summoned his tongue and licked Dream's mouth for entrance. Dream slowly opened his mouth also summoning his tongue.
They fought for dominance and Lust won.

Without knowing it Dream pushed Lust jacket off and gripped his shirt. They pulled away panting and looked at each other. "You're a natural Dream." "T-Thank you?" Lust leans towards Dream vertebra and slowly licks it making Dream yelp.
Lust then bites it afterwards this time Dream whined moving his head out of the way and leaned closer to Lust. "Be patient Dream." "Sorry.."

Lust leans back in and kisses different spots on Dream's vertebra while slowly unbuckling Dream's belt throwing it on the floor.
Lust puts his hands back on Dream's waist, while kissing his vertebra making Dream's breath hitch. "L-Lust.."
Lust smirks and starts nipping, biting and licking at that specific spot making Dream squirm and gasp.

"Lust..Oh stars.." "Its okay Dream, I got you.." Lust looks back at Dream and kisses him roughly.
Slowly Lust turned them around now making Dream lay on the bed with himself on top of Dream.
Dream blushed his arms stretched above his head. Lust leans down
and kisses Dream slowly grasping his hands. Lust slowly kisses down
from his mouth to his cheeks then to his vertebra.

Dream grabs the back of Lust shirt and turns his head to the side subconsciously wrapping his legs around Lust waist. "Ngh.." "You're so pretty Dream." Dream blushes as Lust bit another sensitive spot on Dream's vertebra making him whine again.
Before they could move any further Dream's phone started ringing.

"Awe man, I was hoping we didn't have any interruptions." Dream laughs and picks up his phone then answers it.


"Dream you gotta come back your brother and his team attacked a Au!"


"What is it?"

"Alright I'm gonna be there soon."

Lust huffs as Dream hangs up the phone and looks at him.

"Sorry I have to go." "Just a few more kisses." "No I'm sorry." Dream tries to sit up but Lust kisses him before he could sit up. Dream pulls away and blushes trying to push Lust off of him while laughing a bit.

"Lust I'm sorry I have to go." "Nooo.."

Lust then bites Dream vertebra hard making him grip Lust shoulders and blush a bright gold. "L-LUST!" "Just a few more minutes Dear Guardian, I'm sure whoever that was can wait."
"N-No they can't, I'm not sure if you noticed but I'm apart of the StarAH-"
Lust bit him again and kisses it afterwards then kisses him roughly again making Dream try and fight back for dominance.
He pulls away hearing his phone ring again.

"Lust please, I'll come back afterwards if I have time." "Hmm fine." Lust climbs off of Dream so he could get his cape and belt. He jumps up and grabs things and starts making a portal in Lust room. "Bye Lust I'll see you soon I promise." "One more thing." "Hm?" Lust grabs his cheekbones and kisses him softly, he then pulls away and smirks. "Bye Dream." "B-Bye Lust." Dream ran through the portal seeing Swap and Ink staring at him.

Lust POV:

I watched as Dream left through the portal to a different Au.
As the portal closed I couldn't help but smile and blush, I slowly sat down on my bed staring at where the portal was.
“This is probably the best thing that's ever happened to me.”
I said outloud. Slowly I started scooting back until my back hit the headboard of my bed,
I reached over to the paper that was sitting on my desk and looked over it. It was the 6 steps I told Dream about and I don't want him to see it, I want it to be a surprise.
This is probably the first time I'd ever be excited about what I'm doing. I began to blush more I mean this is the Guardian of Positivity I'm helping here!
Now I'm just sitting here thinking about what just happened.
I looked down at the list and reached for a pen on my desk. Carefully I checked off Step 1 and looked at Step 2 smiling. I can't wait until we meet up again for step 2. I closed my sockets with a smile on my face slowly drifting off to sleep. 

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