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"What? Do you even realize what you're saying? That's where it all started! That's the place that left you traumatized after your parents were killed! And now you want to go back?" Mark's voice was laced with shock and disbelief at Taehyung's decision.

"I just need to understand why my dreams are connected to what happened back then," Taehyung replied calmly.

"But have you thought about what could happen if you go back? Haven't you heard the rumors? The wolves are still there, and even the soldiers couldn't take them down! Yet you still want to return?" Mark's voice wavered with concern.

"Why are you more worked up about this than I am? I'm the one going back, not you," Taehyung pointed out.

Mark sighed, his voice softening. "I just don't want to see you get hurt."

Taehyung didn't respond, letting out a deep breath instead. He got up and began his morning routine, with Mark following suit.


Later, as they sat together, Mark broke the silence. "So, when do you plan on going back to your old neighborhood?"

"Maybe this weekend. I need to prepare myself mentally," Taehyung said thoughtfully.

Mark nodded, realizing he couldn't change Taehyung's mind. Despite his reservations, he knew he had no choice but to support his friend.

That night, Taehyung started researching the forest where the wolves came from. He found an article describing the forest as mysterious, inhabited by mythical creatures. Some reports mentioned people who ventured into the forest and never returned, their fates unknown. Other articles claimed that during the full moon, the wolves would emerge, guarding the forest and mercilessly killing anyone who dared approach.

None of the articles provided the answers Taehyung was seeking, and he was about to give up when one article caught his eye. It mentioned a tunnel that supposedly opened during the full moon, leading to a parallel world where the wolves lived. The tunnel was said to be located in the heart of the forest.

This detail struck a chord with Taehyung-it matched one of his dreams where he was dragged into a cave deep within the forest. A spark of hope ignited within him; perhaps he could finally uncover the secrets that the forest hid.

Quickly, Taehyung checked the calendar and saw that the next full moon was on Saturday, perfectly aligning with his plans to return. Determined, he began meticulously planning his steps to safely enter the forest.

However, what Taehyung didn't know was that as he planned, someone-or something-was watching him from outside his window, observing his every move.

Hours later, in the dead of night, Taehyung finally finished his planning and headed to bed. As he lay down, he heard a rustling sound outside, like something stepping on dry leaves. His heart skipped a beat, and he immediately looked out the window.

There, just beyond the glass, he saw the silhouette of an animal with four legs and glowing red eyes.

Grabbing a flashlight, Taehyung quickly shone it toward the creature, but by the time the light hit the spot, the animal was gone. Fear tightened his chest as he hurried to close and lock all the doors and windows. Despite his fear, his resolve to uncover the truth only grew stronger.

Eventually, Taehyung drifted into a dreamless sleep, his exhaustion finally overtaking him.


The next day, Taehyung recounted the eerie encounter to Mark, who listened in disbelief.

"Are you sure about what you saw? Maybe you were just tired and imagined it," Mark suggested, trying to rationalize the situation.

"I'm sure of what I saw. Why won't you believe me?" Taehyung replied, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Alright, alright, I believe you," Mark conceded. "So, what's your plan when you go back?"

Taehyung laid out his plan for safely entering the forest. Initially, Mark was reluctant to agree, but eventually, he realized that he had no choice but to support his friend's decision.

"You need to be prepared since you're leaving tomorrow. Make sure you have everything you need," Mark advised.

Taehyung nodded and began packing essentials for his journey. He packed bread, a small flashlight, and other supplies for his nighttime trek into the forest.

That night, they went to bed early, knowing they had a long drive ahead of them the next day.


The following morning, Taehyung double-checked his gear, ensuring everything important was packed. They set off at noon, arriving in the late afternoon at Taehyung's old neighborhood. The large gates loomed before them, guarded by soldiers who were tasked with preventing anyone from entering.

They parked the car out of sight, sneaking through a blind spot in the guard's watch to slip into the neighborhood unnoticed. Once inside, they headed straight to Taehyung's old house, where memories of his childhood came flooding back. Happy memories, quickly overshadowed by the sadness of the tragedy that had befallen his family.

Mark remained silent, observing the remnants of the house while Taehyung prepared himself for the night ahead. Midnight was fast approaching.

"Mark... thank you for everything. You've been a great help," Taehyung said quietly, his voice filled with gratitude.

"Don't mention it. I'm just glad I could be here for you," Mark replied, offering Taehyung a small smile.

Without warning, Taehyung stepped forward and pulled Mark into a warm hug, a silent gesture of thanks and farewell.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of your apartment and your job. I'll speak to your boss and make sure everything's taken care of. Just be careful, okay?" Mark promised.

"Thank you so much, Mark. I promise I'll be careful and come back safely," Taehyung replied, hugging Mark tightly before stepping back.

As the howls of wolves echoed in the distance, Taehyung knew it was time to leave. He looked at Mark one last time.

"This is it, Mark. Thanks for everything..."


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