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tw; lightly suggestive at the beginning !

Cole was pushed against the wall as the other practically devoured his lips; the two were smashed against the master of wind's room, faint kisses were heard as the two held each other closely as if either of them were going leave.

Morro's hand began to wander downwards towards the other's legs before placing his hands behind the other's thighs and pulling Cole upwards so he was carrying him making the other gasp slightly in the kiss before wrapping his arms around Morro's neck and pulling him even closer.

The two finally pulled away, green meeting brown, Morro then leant down and began kissing Cole's neck who let out a whimper "Morro.." the other continued to kiss his boyfriend's neck to rile him up. Cole felt like he was in cloud nine as he felt his crotch rub against the other's, the friction making his excited as his hand grabbed the other's hair before pulling him upwards making the other groan.

"Just fuck me already." Morro was taken by surprise at the other's request but, obligated as walked over to his bed before tossing the other on there making his body slightly bounce from the mattress before getting on top. "Are you sure about this?" Cole nodded quickly as he wrapped his arms the other's shoulder before the two dove back in to another makeout session and entangled each other in the sheets.





There was a knock against the door the next morning waking up the master of earth as he let out a groan, rising up from his laying position before wincing as his lower half tensed up from last night's activities, Cole turned his head towards his boyfriend who was still asleep which he was  jealous about but those thoughts were cut short as another knock filled the room which brought his attention back to his current situation as he got off the bed and looked around for his sweatpants and boxers from yesterday, not bothering on putting on a shirt.

He walked over to the door before opening it before he was greeted by Nya who gave him a small smile "morning." she greeted him which the other respond with a small 'morning'

"i just wanted to let you know that breakfast is ready so you and Morro can come eat." Cole nodded "we'll be there in a minute." Nya nodded before her face flushed slightly seeing the other's bruised up neck and chest knowing clearly what the two ghosts had done the night before but she kept her mouth shut as she nodded and made her way down the hall.

Cole yawned as he walked back into the room, closing the door behind before walking over to his boyfriend and shaking him awake in which he let out a groan as his eyes began to open "what.." Cole chuckled slightly "Nya said that breakfast is ready..we should get ready to go eat" Morro groaned again but arose from his laying position before rubbing eyes. Cole's face flushed as he saw the other's neck was littered with bite marks but, that doesn't end because as Morro got up from the bed and walked over to his dresser to get himself a new set of clean clothes, Cole was given a wider view of the other's back that was marked up with scratches.

"Holy shit." Morro looked back at his boyfriend as he said that before giving him a questioning look "what's up?" Cole giggled slightly out of embarrassment "your back.."

Morro was confused so he walked over to his full-body length mirror before turning slightly and his eyes widen at the view of how destroyed his back was, nail marks so deep they could've drawn blood. The ghost turned to the other who gave him a small embarrassed smile "guessing the sex was good then." Cole's face flushed more at the other's comment as he hid his face making the other laugh.

Cole looked up after a while before seeing the other had slid on some new boxers, sweats and a white t-shirt which nicely sculpted out his muscles making Cole excited "are you dressing like that to rile me up again?" Morro choked on his spit slightly as he looked at Cole who gave him a smirk in which he returned "I don't mind going at it again."

The master of earth scoffed "of course you wouldn't." He then walked over to the other's dresser and took one of his hoodies before sliding it over his head "but I am starving so our activities can wait for after breakfast." Morro rolled his eyes in a joking manner as the two left the room and made their way to the dining room.

As the two walked in, eyes were immediately on them as the other ninja watched the pair sit down next to each other. Misako came out with plates filled with food before placing it down in front of them in which they thanked her in return as she gave them a nod before sitting down herself next to Wu and Lloyd.

Cole immediately started eating as he was starving whilst Morro ate more slower than his partner who was devouring the scrambled eggs he was given. The other ninja were talking but that's when Kai spoke up "so we aren't going to mention that fact that Cole was getting his railed last night." which caused Cole to choke on his food and Morro to drop his fork as the other ninja looked at them.

"No we aren't" Wu added as he really didn't want to talk about the ninja's love lives even after he, himself was victim of having to hear certain noises the night before between the master of earth and the master of wind "But sensei, we can't just let it go, they kept us up all night with their 'games'." Jay whined as he looked at the pair in front him in which Cole was hiding his face in embarrassment whilst Morro had picked up his fork and continued to eat his breakfast "plus, we can see the aftermath with Morro legit wearing a shirt that reveals what they were doing."

"Can we please not discuss this at the dinner table." Lloyd said as he really didn't want to talk about sex this early in the morning in which Kai and Jay gave him a stare which Lloyd just glare the two

"Cole quite frankly was enjoying it." That caused the other ninja to choke on their food at Morro's comment who was smirking in return

"I said we weren't going to discuss this at the dinner table." Lloyd scolded the ghost who just shrugged "You guys' brought it up."

"that's because you two were so god damn loud last night." Kai yelled "not my problem that these walls aren't thick enough." Morro yelled back

The two continued to argue as Cole just died in the inside having to hear his brothers' talk about how they quite literally heard him and Morro make love in which he might add was enjoyable but not towards the other people that live with them.

His head arose from his hands as he saw Kai cross his arms as Nya smacked him in the head "we are sorry for being loud, it wasn't our intention know...go at it at such a volume but we promise to be more quiet the next time." Cole apologized as Sensei just let out a heavy sigh "it's okay Cole, we understand that you and Morro want  to have night's especially for the two of you..don't listen to Kai or Jay - they are mad they simply can't do that themselves." That caused Morro to let out a hard laugh as he almost choked on his bacon making Kai and Jay started scolding their sensei. The other's laughed along at the remark which made the other smile knowing that his sensei was trying his best to make the situation more lighthearted.

This just proves that they need to be quiet the next time to help prevent Kai and Jay from wanting to murder them for having some alone time.


a/n; this is a lot different than my previous chapters but I just wanted to change it up a bit lmao but if you guys have any prompt ideas for these two, please comment them ! :)

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