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slight tw; mentioned death

The heat is all he remembered and the scorching hot heat burned at his skin making him cry out to whoever was in the caves but, sadly, no one was around or could hear the teenager scream out in agony as the hot air and lava burned at his skin and melted it, Morro cried out as stones and lava  pierced his skin - the loud eruption from the geyser shook the caves as it began to crumble, the master of wind just cried out as he laid on the rocky platform and felt his body began to rip away leaving him as nothing but a pile of bones.


A sharp gasp left the ravenette as he arose in a panic, his hands made contact with his hair which was disheveled from waking up, his hands were shaking as he held onto his head and heavy uneven breaths left his mouth, he still could feel the burning sensation on his body from the nightmare; his sudden movements and harsh gasps awoken his partner who rose up and rubbed at his eyes "what's wrong babe?" The other ghost said with a raspy voice from being woken up.

Morro couldn't reply as he felt his words being clogged in his throat from the sudden nightmare, Cole, who had began to rub away at the sleep that was in his eyes, looked over at the other ghost and suddenly took noticed of the disheveled mess his boyfriend was; hands and body shaking and heavy rapid breaths leaving his mouth which concerned the master of earth as he quickly scooted over to the other who didn't pay much attention to the master of earth.

"Morro?" The ex-ghost general finally tore his eyes away from whatever he was zoned out on and looked over at his boyfriend who had eyes filled with worry, the other ghost scanned over his boyfriend and knew he was having a panic attack "was is another nightmare?" He asked and saw the expression on his lover that he immediately knew that it in fact was another nightmare. Cole knew about Morro experiencing constant nightmares about his childhood especially when he died in the Caves of Despair, the master of earth didn't mind helping his boyfriend calm down from his panic attacks that he gets after experiencing a nightmare but, sometimes they get too extreme that it takes longer for Morro to ease his mind and makes him hyperventilate for longer periods of time.

Upon seeing the other, Cole carefully moved his hands to the other and carefully laid a hand on the other's hand that laid on his head and watched to see any jerking away or any disapproval in the touch; he didn't see the other jerk away but, did tense at the feeling so Cole carefully grabbed a hold of the other's hands and moved them away from his head and more closer to the blanket.

"Hey hey it's okay, it was just a nightmare, I've got you now - your dreams can't hurt you." Cole reassured the other who kept gasping heavy breaths, he pulled the other ghost's hands upwards and laid a small kiss on the back of his hand.

Cole's heart broke a little as he felt the small shakes from the other and caressed his hands with his to sooth the other ghost who spaced out staring at the fabric of the blanket "babe?" Morro looked up at the other ghost who stared at him, guilt was shown all over his eyes as he kept caressing the other "do you want to talk about it? Or do you need some of the tea Sensei had made for you?" The earth ninja asked the other who swallowed hardly in response, the master of wind didn't even know what he wanted

He felt his chest rise up and down quickly as 'tears' began to well up in his eyes in a panic and before he knew it, they began to roll down his cheeks in such a rapid pace - Cole looked at the other in panic since Morro has never cried around him ever, he knew his boyfriend refused to show emotion around others so seeing him break down right in front of him broke Cole's heart; he scooted closer to the other and wrapped his arms around the ghost who jerked at the feeling "it's okay, I'm here" Cole reassured the other, Morro sniffled a little "I-I don't know why I'm crying.." the ravenette frowned at his boyfriend's words and held him tighter "it's normal love, your body is acting out due to your nightmare being a moment of deep emotional stress you've had pent up." Cole explained as he rubbed the others back to help ease more of that stress out; it got quiet between the two ghosts as Morro continued crying and Cole held him "don't be scared to let it out love, you're safe with me." Those words broke the master of wind as he gripped the other's grey shirt and buried his face into the fabric and let out loud wail.

It's been so long since Morro has cried like this, not since he was abandoned in the streets at such a young age so it felt so weird to the ghost as 'tears' began to fall rapidly from his face and he let out loud sobs whilst holding onto Cole in a tight grip "I-I'm sorry." The ghost cried out; the earth ninja felt his own 'tears' begin to well up in his eyes as he just kept his firm grip around the other "don't be love, you did nothing wrong." Cole reassured him

The two of them sat there in that position for a while as the two shared such an intimate yet emotional moment; after a while, Cole pulled away and grabbed the others tear-stained face with such a delicate grasp and planted a small kiss on the others head which he knew relaxed the other "do you want to lay down?" Morro nodded and watched as the earth ninja let go of his face and brought the two of them back down towards the mattress and pull the wind ninja close to his chest so, his face was buried into his chest; Morro eased up at the position and quickly wrapped his arms around the other's waist - a small smile formed on Cole as he held his boyfriend close to him, one of his hands moved upwards towards the other's hair and ran his fingers through it along with rubbing at the others head to ease the ghost.

Morro's cries began to die down as he started to relax at the earth ninja's fingers massaging at his head; the master of wind felt safe being like this with his partner since it reminds him that no matter what, Cole will always be there for him and will do his best to help him which brought a smile to his face as he hugged his boyfriend tighter at the soft feeling.

The two stayed in that position till Morro began to get tired; his eyes began to close at each second - Cole watched him carefully as he still played with his hair and just as the master of wind was going to doze off himself, he muttered something that at first Cole didn't quite catch "what was that babe?" He had asked in which the other muttered a little louder just as he was closing his eyes "please don't leave me.." this broke Cole's heart that his boyfriend was thinking he was going to leave him for being in such a vulnerable state; righting his hold on the other - Cole leant downs little and placed a small peck on the others forehead "I'll never leave you love, I will always be here with you no matter what.." the ravenette whispered to the other as he watched the master of wind doze off into slumber as small breaths left him which made Cole happy that he was able to get him to fall asleep.

With a bit of adjusting and getting himself situated, the teen held onto the other to help the other know that he's there whilst he's sleeping to give him comfort in which Morro drew closer whilst sleeping; the two ghosts were able to get back into their slumber with no further interruptions and in a comfortable silence knowing that neither of them were going anywhere.

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