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i keep thinking back to that kiss and seungmins words. "i only want you baby, i promise" is the only thing playing in my head. i become more flustered about it every time i hear it.

honestly, i thought i was gonna be the bold one in this relationship but i guess i get shy easier than i thought. or maybe its just because its seungmin.

i'm in class again when seungmin passes me a note that reads "hii jeongin :)" i smile faintly and write back "hey seungmin <3"

once he gets his writing done he gives me the note back. "wanna hang out tonight after school since its a weekend?" it says. i could slightly feel myself blush and quickly wrote back, "oh, of course."

when he reads the note he smiles at me and puts it in his backpack.

the days finally over and i walk outside only to not find seungmin sitting at the tree i always find him at.

i pull out my phone and text him.

seungmin ❤️‍🩹

hey, where are you?

i'm sorry jeongin, i have
something to deal with so
i can't walk you home.

i slightly frowned and replied back with an "okay, what time are we gonna hangout and where?"

he replied back and said "6:00, leisure world. i'll pick you up."

leisure world has two sides of its building. one side has a bowling alley and games while the other has a skating rink and games. its my favorite place ever.

i got ready sooner than i needed to because i was so excited and i wanted tonight to be fun.

once the clock hit 6:00 i looked out my window to see seungmins black suv pull in the driveway.

when i got in the car seungmin immediately greeted me with a smile and asked me if i was ready. i gave him a smile back and nodded, putting my seatbelt on.

the drive there was really quiet and awkward-which i have no idea why- so i turned on some music.

i love music, music is basically an escape from the real world. the only thing about it is it can also remind you of what you're trying to escape from.

seungmin glanced at me quietly singing the lyrics of the current song playing then brought his eyes back to the road.

i gave him a confused look and said "what?"

"nothing, you're just really cute. thats all."

on the outside i was fine but on the inside i was internally screaming.

seungmin says stuff like we're in a movie and honestly, thats all i've wanted. cringy but cute comments.

i didn't say anything but smile and chuckle.

jealous boy | seunginWhere stories live. Discover now