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"You can't just touch my soul and leave

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"You can't just touch my soul and leave."


"OKAY, I NEED YOU TO USE THAT PRETTY LITTLE HEAD OF YOURS." Kol spoke from behind me, placing his hands over my eyes. "What are you doing?" The young vampire couldn't help but giggle out as he did so. "Do you trust me?" He asked so softly something as unrealistic as butterflies seem to swarm my stomach. "Yes..I trust you Kol Mikaelson."He began to speak,"imagine you're in Greece in the midst of your favorite spot surrounded in a place that almost seems fake but is as real as you and me darling." "Where are you?"  He wondered, before thinking I spoke wherever you are.

"So you fell in love with a psycho original vampire?" Bonnie went on as we sat outside of her mothers house on the porch. "I couldn't help myself." I leaned back on the swing, holding my arms. "And he just left?" The brunette spoke with irritation at the thought present in her tone. "What a jerk." "He asked me to leave Mystic Falls, and see the world with him." I revealed, wondering if choosing my family over a chance at who knows what was the right choice. Maybe Kol Mikealson being my knight in shining armor was a fairytale dream but was it one worth living? Well I'll never know. "So you're saying you had a chance to leave all this..and you choose not too?" Bonnie questioned turning her head facing me, I nodded my head. "My brothers need me." "What else is new? You're the youngest Dri. You shouldn't have to carry them on your back." Bonnie had a point: I've always been there for my brothers. And they've been there for me. But when it comes down to Elena Gilbert I can't say I know I come first. It's a big big world out there, one I've barley seen and I've been alive for two centuries and something about the glory of that fact is starting to bore me. "All I'm saying Dri is for once put you first." "That's pretty ironic coming from you Bon." I point out the girl who will give up anything for us. She had almost given up everything for us,and was telling me to choose myself for once. I will one day..and maybe get some type of happy ever after. I told her deep down knowing it would probably never happen and finding the smallest bit of contempt in that fact.

On my way I stop in the middle of the road right in front of the Mystic Falls Welcome sign and for a split second I hear a voice tell me; have your epic love story. Fuck it. I cursed as a joker's smile appeared on my face as I reversed my car without a care in this world that I've seen none of.


I walk around this part of the world I've wanted to be a part of in hope to see a cocky Mikealson. Only to see no one in the beautiful crowded streets of Santorini..something in me already knew it was too late and the knight in shining armor fantasy was just that a fantasy. "Adrienne Salvatore." A British voice that was forever burned into my mind spoke, and I soon turned around to see Kol Mikealson standing before me. I acted without thought; consciously, unconsciously I ran into his arms feeling his chest against mine as I hugged him tightly forgetting about my brothers and their endless bullshit and all my obvious mommy issues and was doing something for me.I felt his hand fly to the back of my head taking me into is chest mre if it was possible. The two vampires pulled apart only to crash their lips, all seemed right in the moment. We walked the streets taking in the sights of the houses and churches. It felt and looked otherworldly. The sunset blended with a mix of colors, blues, oranges, pinks, and purples colored the sky. "It's beautiful isn't it?" I asked Kol as we looked over on the top of a steep cliff. "Breathtaking." He spoke not looking at the sunset, eyes completely locked in my gaze. My eyes drifted to his, what? I asked, staring at his dark brown eyes that stared into the soul. As a vampire for over two centuries I made sure I didn't fall in love, at a point I believed it would just feel like desire and lust then the human feeling of love since the choice of being human was stripted from me.

"Love, I would not trade this moment with you for anything. " Kol spoke, as we entered his hotel room. "I wouldn't either." I looked in the mirror in the large house-like room, only for Kol to walk up behind me seeing what I was. "You're beautiful," he acknowledged kissing down my neck all the way to the black ruffled strap of my dress. He slipped off one of the traps as it fell slowly. I turned around facing him as I slipped out of my dress, left in my underwear. Bringing my hands to his neck as his hands traveled to my waist. "With so little time spent my heart is yours Adrienne Salvatore." He voiced as I pulled him into a kiss that should never end in no universe, not this one, not an alternate reality. In this moment I couldn't think about how worried my brothers are, my friends are for that matter and yet with all that above my head this moment with Kol could last for an eternity and I'd be more than joyest. For some reason with Kol it felt like it would be one of those loves that will always occupy your heart, even from a distance, even in the arms of another.

Where you whole-heartedly truly want to be is with them. A romantic love. Not a one night stand, or a random hot guy at the bar..but something real that's what this felt like as crazy and bizarre as that may seem that..that's what I feel with Kol the only way to describe it.

that's what I feel with Kol the only way to describe it

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