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I met you in the dark You lit me up, You made me feel as though I was enough-j

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I met you in the dark You lit me up,
You made me feel as though I was enough


"I WAS THE ONE TO BRING HIM INTO THE INSTITUTE" —Izzy started, only to be cut off by Alec. "Dont. We're all responsible for this." Alec stated, comforting his sister placing a hand on her shoulder. "Atleat now we know Johnath cant get the mirror and raise the angle." Clary went on leaning on the counter. "I'm not so sure." Jace figured, with a poor look on his face, "Look, even with our pure angel blood, doesn't it seem strange that Clary's runes would be powerful enough to destroy a Mortal Instrument? And why didn't it destroy the Sword?" "What if  the mirror I destroyed isn't  the portal mirror?" Clary blurted out putting everything together or at least trying to. "Then why would your mom give it to the warlocks to protect?" Jace questions in confusion. "Maybe she thought it was. We all did. Maybe whoever made it wanted it that way. "Clary spoke, walking over to the painting of Lake Lyn. "To distract people from finding the real one." Izzy realized after remembering the Legend, "The legend says that the Mirror's meant to not be easily found. That the Angels hold the key... " Jace slowly speaks as Clary's eyes stay trained on the Lake. "The water. Its a reflection." Clary states soon facing the group. "What water? What are you talking about?"—"I didn't destroy the mirror...the mirror is Lake Lyn."


"Good hunting." Madam Inquisitor, complemented after receiving intel from Alec, Jace, and Clary. "Now what are we gonna do?"Jace questioned, "We need help." Alec responded. "From who Alec?"—Everyone. "The four shadowhunters entered the meeting room where the downworld leaders sat. "Your highness, what an unpleasant  surprise." Clary stated, seeing the Seelie queen. ​​"Well, I'm sure she didn't mean to–"No offense, Alec, but I agree with Clary. Your Majesty, is this another one of your little games?" Jace interrupted. "The Institute called an emergency meeting of the Downworld Council. I speak on behalf of the Downworld." The queen spoke with a taunting smile. "Is this true?"I asked, looking at Magnus then Luke. "Henceforth, when you need anything from the Downworld, you shall address me, Mr. Lightwood. Such is the nature of our new agreement." The queen interrupted crossing her legs nonchalantly. "Your Highness, Jonathan  believes that the Institute has the Mortal Mirror and he's not going to leave the city without it. I would like the Downworld's help in locating him." I informed as politely as possible dealing with seelies. "In order to capture him, so that he might escape once again?" She venously  spat. "In order to execute him, this threat may finally end." I corrected sternly. "Why should we believe you? Should we do so because of Valentine's ruthless action of killing the beautiful Christina Blackthorn in cold blood at your wedding?" She questioned, with a straight face as she shoved Christina's death down my throat like it was nothing. "You little bit—" Izzy trailed on stepping in front of me only to be held back by Jace. The queen rose to her feet, "For far too long, the Downworld has depended on the Clave and your Institute to protect us from men like Valentine and Jonathan. You may have killed Valentine yet you created another problem. It's time we learned our lesson and started fighting for ourselves." She stated. "Jonathan is a threat to us all. Like his father he doesn't care who he kills or how many bodies he leaves in his path." Alec tried to convince sternly. "Will take our chances. The answer, Shadowhunters, is no." The queen ended as her and the others left the room.


"Izzy, Jace, Clary." I called, as they met me in front of the monitors. "What's next?" Jace questioned falling beside me. "We're gonna split up and patrol whether the downworlder wants to admit it or not; they can't do this alone either. Plus Lukes has been dropping intel." We portaled to lower Manhattan where there was previous demon activity, where Luke had spotted Jonathan . "I'll go with alec." Izzy stated as we made our way opposite of Jace and Clary. "Are you gonna talk about it?" "And you're referring to what exactly?"I questioned back knowing what she meant. "Alec...the Seelie queen—"No, we are not going to talk about it. I stated, rolling my eyes at my sister." "Alec–"Izzy don't pry.. It doesn't suit you—"I voiced being cut off by a shoulder bumping into mine.

"Watch it." A voice expressed, a voice I couldn't forget even if I tried. I stopped in my tracks slowly turning around, the face in front of me left me speechless. It's like I was like seeing a literal ghost...the face I have been wanting to see since she was taken from me. "Ch–christina." I stated, the words coming out as more of a whisper. She looked at me in confusion like she was contemplating something. "Wait..don't I know you..from somewhere?" She Questioned, I looked at Izzy whose eyes were trained on Chris's. You—your Alec right?" How was this possible? How was the woman I loved more than anything the love of my life; who I watched die in my arms here in front of me? "yea.." I confirmed my eyes not leaving hers. "Yea? –"yea..I..Im Alec." she smiled,dimples forming on both sides of her cheeks. She was Christina but she wasn't. "Well..I'm..I'm Christina." She voiced introducing herself. "Chris?" Izzy soon voiced, "And you're..Isabelle–Izzy." "How is this possible? How are you here..?" I
voiced as my eyes watered. Izzy wipered as tears fell. "She's not Alec..not entirely." Soon Clary and Jace approached us, they didn't seem as shocked to see her as we were. "I didn't know these tattoos were so common.."she trailed on as her eye laid on Jace and Clary. "You two again."

"Alec.." Jace called out. "You knew?" I questioned back.

Holyyyy crapp

A/N: Holyyyy crapp Xoxo

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