New Look?

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Note/ I headcanon that Jimmy wears piercings( 2 snake bites, one nose ring and most of his ears pierced and some I will not mention;) /!!!AND!! There will be cussing in this part.

Scott pov:
Katherine called the sixth of us, but Jimmy wasn't here yet because he was running late, then Jimmy burst through the door and oh my was he stunning.

~Back to when they were leaving the last meeting ~

Jimmy's pov:
After the meeting at House Blossom. Lizzie, Joel, and I went back to Lizzie's to chat for a bit. " So from my understanding, Scott has been watching you build and do basic stuff?" Lizzie said. " Yes, but I'm not weirded out by it for some reason," Jimmy said very confused. Lizzie and Joel gave each other a look and then looked back at Jimmy.

"Jimmy, my sweet little brother, you're so oblivious and dumb it's cute". Lizzie said then got up to toss something away. " I'm not dumb," Jimmy said, rounding his eyes.

" Anyways, let's change the subject. Should I put my piercings back in? I have taken them out to look more professional, but it's getting annoying to take them out and put them back in at night." Joel's jaw was on the floor by now because Jimmy "forgot" to tell Joel he wears piercings.

"Oh, right I forgot to tell Joel I wear piercings," Jimmy said jokingly. "Yeah, I think you should because that could close the holes if you leave them out for too long, so you should wear them." Lizzie said loudly from the other side of the room. Then walked back into the room and closed Joel's mouth.

~ a little before they had another meeting at Katherine's~

Jimmy's pov:
It was 8:00 am, and the meeting started in 10 minutes which means Jimmy woke up late. " Crap, crap, I woke up late, and now Lizzie will be mad at me again for being late."

Jimmy found a lime green turtleneck sweater and some black jeans. ( yes, I'm American and I hate it) And even though he was going to wear his piercings more often. He was too focused on how late he was; he didn't even second-guess to take them out.

~back to the meeting~

Scott's pov :
Scott was taken aback by the fact Jimmy wears piercings but damn he was hot." Your late Jimmy." Lizzie said with a death glare. And Jimmy looked scared shitless" sorry Lizzie" and he shamelessly walked to the seat next to her and sat down.

" Anyway, I'm glad you guys can make it today," Katherine said. " And I have a list of who's going to work on what."

" Please for the love of Aeor do not put me with Jimmy, I would be a nervous wreck if she did put me with him," Scott thought.

Jimmy's pov:
Scott looked a bit nervous but Jimmy just brushed it off and waited for Katherine to speak again. " Shubble and I will be working on the food and beverages. Gem and Pearl will be working on the decorations. Joel and Lizzie will be giving out invitations and informing people that this is a masquerade party. And Jimmy and-

Scott's pov:
Scott, will be getting party supplies for example trays, utensils, cups, etc," Katharine finishes

"Will this is great I'm paired with him" Scott thought. He looked at Katherine who had a grin from ear to ear. And he knew Katherine did this on purpose.

Last note/ this is a longer chapter(615)and this it going out early bc I have school Monday and I'm also I'm very busy and tired so the next chapter won't be out for a while/

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