Chapter 1: The Dragon

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Rimuru POV

I opened my eyes and activated {Magic Sense} and looked around at my surroundings.

>> Hey Ciel-san, when and where are we? <<

<< Master, we are currently in the sealed cave where Veldora is prisoned at and the time is right before you reincarnated. >>

>> Ok. Thank you. <<

I started walking over to where Veldora is by trying to sense his dragon core. While walking there, I used {Void God Azathoth} to store any hipokute grass and magic ore in my imaginary space for later use. While doing so, I remembered something.

>> Hey Ciel-san? <<

<< Yes Master? >>

>> When we were leaving my office, I thought I heard someone say something. Can you check who it was? <<

<< Okay Master. Checking ... Complete. There weren't any individuals near master's office when you left, so you couldn't have heard anyone. >>

>>So I guess it was just my imagination... <<

Well anyways, let's go meet my sworn brother, shall we?

Veldora POV

Kuahahaha! It is I, The Storm Dragon Veldora! Currently I am being sealed in a cave with some weird prison thing. How did the great storm dragon get sealed? Well 300 years ago, I was busy wreaking havoc and playing around, just minding my own business when a human came towards me. She said she was a hero and was going to seal me or something I forgot. The hero had long black hair wrapped up into a ponytail, a very nice body figure and very plump lips. Although she had a mask on, I still saw her face and she was beautiful. She had ...

~ 10 minutes later ~

... So that concludes my presentation on the hero's beauty.

Anyways, as I was saying, that hero was able to doge all my attacks (I wasn't holding back I swear!) and counterattack every single one of my moves. It's like she fought me before and knows all the tricks I had up my sleeve. Finally she used a move which summoned a prison which surrounded and trapped me.

Welp, after 300 years in this cave all I gotta say, I'M BORED!!! The only interesting thing that happens is when some random creature does some dumb things I get to laugh at or one of my sisters comes to visit from time to time. I mean every time Velgrynd-nee comes to visit me she just teases me for being stuck in this prison but she keeps me updated on what's going on outside. Although Velgrynd-nee is sometimes strict, she is not as strict as Velzard-nee. If Velzard-nee is in a bad mood she will personally come into my prison and beat me up. She calls it 'education' but I don't see what she is trying to educate me about.

And speaking of the devil, I felt a person with a dragon core walk towards me. 'Must be one of my sisters again' was my first thought and I started wondering which of my sisters is visiting me. I do not want to go through one of Velzard-nee's 'training sessions' so I kinda hope it was Velgrynd-nee. However when the individual came closer and closer their dragon core did not match with my sisters. I continued wondering who this person was until they finally reached my prison. When I saw this person, she was definitely not my sister. She kinda looks like Velgrynd-nee but something told me she isn't what she looks like.

I was wondering who she was and what she wanted so I tried to speak up. I didn't want to anger her since she had a dragon core, so I said;

"What is your business here, miss?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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