chapter one

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Hi I'm Felicia Maria Celestine Araneta Marcos... I'm 21yrs old.... And I'm the private daughter.... And I have three protective brothers.....

"Celestine's POV "

I was sleeping peacefully...when suddenly i heard some Noise... The Noise is coming from my Alarm clock... Last night I set my Alarm.. Cause I have online class tomorrow morning.... I slowly open my eyes and stop the alarm...I forced myself to get up....and I went to the Bathroom....
And I took a bath and brush my teeth...

5 minutes later......

I was done taking a bath.... And then I fix my self up and put my uniform on... And I went to my desk and open my laptop....and I joined in my online class... And my teacher start to discuss...






30 minutes later.....

Finally my online class is done...after the online class Is done I changed my clothes... After 5 minutes later
I'm done changing my clothes..

This is what I wear....

I just wear this plane black pj's

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I just wear this plane black pj's....

After I changed my clothes... I lay down on my bed....

30 minutes later.....

I was scrolling down through my phone...When suddenly someone knock on my door... I get up and Open the door and I saw kuya Simon...

"Simons POV "

I was in the living room watching TV... When mom call me through the kitchen...

Simon call your sister... Breakfast is ready... Mom said..

Okay po.. I said

I go upstairs and go to my sister room.... But first I knocked on her door.. Because maybe she's on her online class... When suddenly she open the door....

Good morning my princess... I said

Good morning kuya Si... He said

Mom said breakfast is ready na daw.. I said..

Okay kuya si... He said

Let's go.. I said

She just nodd her head as a yes..
And we go down and went to the kitchen...

"Celestine's POV"

Kuya Simon said that breakfast is ready na daw.. Bumaba na kami ni kuya Simon at pumunta na kami sa kusina... And I saw mom and dad. And kuya Sandro and kuya Vinny...
Waiting for me and kuya Si..

Good morning mom, dad, I said as I make beso with them..

Good morning kuya sands and kuya vin.. I said as I was sitting down in my chair.....

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