chapter thirteen

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*Celestine POV*

*I was a woke with a loud knock on my door. *

Hmmmmmm. Who's there?
(* I said with my sleepy voice. *)

It's me darling. (* kuya Sandro said*)

* so dali-dali kong binukasan ang pintuan. At bumungad dito si kuya Sandro. *

Hey (*he said*)

Hi kuya. (*i said while rubbing my eyes. *)

Did I bother you? (* he asked*)

No no no (*i said*)

Alright then, I want to talk with you.
(* he said*)

What are we going to talk about kuya? (* I asked *)

Where gonna talk about Simon and his girlfriend. (*he said and lock the door*)

(* I said stuttering. *)

Why, cause I see that your jealous and it's awkward to you when Charlotte is around. (*he said as he sat on my bed*

T-thats N-not T-true k-kuya.
I'm comfortable when ate Charlotte is around.(* I said stuttering.) *

I know your lying Celestine, tell me the truth. (* he said*)

OKY fine kuya sands maybe I'm jealous but wala naman akong magagawa eh. I know kuya Simon
Really loves ate Charlotte but thats made me think. What if he has no time for me na and what if he don't love me anymore. (* I said. *)

*sigh* Celestine Hindi mawawalan ng oras si Simon sayo. And alm mo na Mahal na mahal ka nun OKY wag na wag mong isipin yan OKY. (* he said and hug me*)

OKY kuya Sandro, and alm ko naman na-dadating tayo sa ganito na mag-kakaron na kayo ng gf or even a wife, the one that's gonna takecare and makes you smile and laugh and love you guys until the end.
(* I said and I hug him back. *)

Aww darling. (* he said*)

Kuya? (*i asked

Hmmmmm?(*he said*)

I'm hungry (*i said*)

Oh is my baby hungry? (* he said)*)

Yeah (* I said*)

Let's go down stairs in the kitchen. (*he said*)

*I just nodded my head and we went down. And we saw mom, dad, kuya vin, kuya Si and ate Charlotte in the living room chit-chating while eating meryenda. *when suddenly ate Charlotte noticed us*

Oh hello Celestine hi Sandro.
(* she said*)

* ako at si kuya Sandro ay nag-katitigan. *

Come here you two let's eat.
(* she added*)

Ahmmm Hindi na lalabas kami ni Celestine. (*kiya Sandro said*)

Oh son San kayo pupunta?
(*dad asked*)

Dyan dyan lang pops,my bibilhin lang kami.
(*he said*)

Ano bibilhin nyo?.
(*mom asked*)

Ahhmmm 𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘢 po. Nag-cra-crave po kasi kami ni Celestine sa empanda eh. (* he said*)

Oh SYA Sige ingant kayong dalawa.
(* mom said*)

Can we come?
(* ate Charlotte said*)

No! (*kuya Sandro said*)

(* she asked*)

Cause me and Celestine only. (*he said*)

Hasyyyt fine!!
(*Charlotte shout angrily. *)

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