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Scp-682 growled lowly as he began to look around the caves, it seemed to be a tunnel system, a tunnel system that could be related to an Scp or some other uncharted anomaly.

Y/n threw up behind a corner, still traumatized from what happened, after coughing violently and have an interior mental breakdown, she decided to just change into her hybrid form since she barely had any clothes and she could barely walk.

682 was gone for only a moment before he slithered back in and forced Y/n back against his side, curling his tail around her before seemingly taking a nap.

Now she really wants to go back to the foundation.

But how? It's not like an organization come guns a blazin providing a distraction-

Suddenly an army of soldiers came in and began shooting and Scp-682 roared and began attacking them.

Y/n just ran in the other direction of the tunnel system and heard the battle slowly starting to become more difficult to hear.

Y/n had to release a signal so the foundation could find her, but how?

Y/n suddenly remembered that her body was literally planted with a lot of tracking chips, but the most notable one was right in her shoulder, which could be seen as any regular bump.

She hissed at herself before her hand turned into a claw and began to carefully carve out the chip and their it was bloody and covered in muscle.

Y/n looked at the chip trying to figure out how it works before hearing Scp-682 roars and dashing off into the tunnel.


"My fellow citizen, if you are hearing this tape, then the world as we knew it has finished. The sky has broken the ground heaves with the tramp of terrible feet and all the horror and madness from the dark corners of the world has broken free to exact it's vengeance on the world of man....." said the speakers as Y/n entered the domain.

"The fuck is this? What kind of scp is this?" Asked Y/n as she explored the terrain that was similar to London.

As the tape continued playing Y/n was searching for some clothes and took some from a building that had them stored.

But apparently there was a snitch, in a form of a bird with a camera head because now there was bobbies chasing Y/n.

Y/n quickly got away and hid in a building before putting on the clothes and they fit like a glove.

Y/n sighed in relief as she began to change back into an indoraptor and began exploring around, trying to find some way to contact the foundation.

Until she saw scp soldiers stationed and she quickly entered into the site and began to explain the situation and about Scp-682.

And as if his designation was cursed he bursted forth and he was pissed, Y/n not wanting to be taken alive she ran, that was the best she could do for now and Scp-682 followed, ignoring the gunshots.

Y/n looked back to see Scp-682 running after her and catching up.

'SHIT!!!! WHERES THE FOUNDATION WHEN YOU NEED THEM?!' Thought Y/n before leaping out of the cave and grabbing onto a tree and climbing up and being like Tarzan, swinging tree to tree and camouflaging and lowering her heat signatures.

Scp-682 growled as he walked around saying curses and before leaving.

Y/n watched him before leaping off the tree and onto another, before seeing an scp helicopter and a harness attached to it, Y/n strapped herself and away she was.

After returning to the foundation and getting Dr. Bright to let go of his titanium gripped hug, she sighed tiredly before hearing that Scp-682 was captured and hearing that made her bones shiver.

Until she met Scp-999 again! He was gurgling happily and cuddling up to her, feeling her uneasiness with Scp-682.

He purred as Y/n petted him, he gurgled again Ashe blew a bubble, a growing orange bubble before he was lifted up into the air like a marry poppins before it bursted from touching the ceiling and he was caught by Y/n, he gurgled in celebration as y/n was laughing in surprise from him doing the stunt.

After spending a few hours with him, she was talking with Mr. Gears and eating some food in the break room.

But after today Y/n wasn't going to sleep, she was too paranoid and fearful that Scp-682 will get her again.

But after a while Y/n closed her eyes and when she opened them she found herself staring into nothing while sitting on a park bench.

Nothing's Grey (YAN! Scp x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now