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The dinner is finally over and we're waiting for the waitress to bring the bill.

"You're so awkward Tsukishima." I chuckle. "Shut up." He say. As he says that we see the waitress walk back with a little paper in her hand.

"So who should I give this to?" She begins waving the paper back and forth between me and Tsukishima.

"Oh me I'm paying." Tsukishima says reaching his hand out for the bill. She hands him the bill but her hands lingering on his hand a little longer than they should have. Causing Tsukishima to raise his eyebrows a little.


After paying the bill we get up from our table and being walking to the door. Before we even open the door we hear and see the waitress running towards us telling us to wait.

I begin looking in my little purse to see I've forgotten anything. But nothings missing. Maybe Tsukishima forgot something.

"I wanted to give you this." The waitress says when she finally reaches us breathing heavily.

"Um okay." He says back putting the paper in his pocket in his pocket opening the door for me.


We're half way to Tsukishima's house and then I remember the note that the waitress gave him. "Hey Tsukishima look at the note the waitress gave you" I say to him. "The what?" He ask.

"The note the waitress gave you dumbass." I say back. He's such an idiot how did he forget. "Oh shit let me see." He says as he begins to dig in his pocket.

"Oh shit." He say's finally looking at the note. "What? What is it?" I ask.

"She gave me her number."

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