Snail Trail - Chapter 14

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I'm in a peaceful slumber until a cold chill washes over my body. Slowly coming to, I pry my eyes open, squinting as the lights from above burn my eyes. When I get adjusted to the lights, I find myself on the hard kitchen tile floor, alone. I groan in pain as my body aches when I try to sit up, breathing heavy as it takes every ounce of energy from me. I raise my hands to try to touch my sore neck, but I still find the shocking collar wrapped around my neck. Aww, how nice of them to give me a necklace. God, I feel like a dog. 

I continue to sit on the floor, trying to gather enough energy to stand, when Brax enters the kitchen. 

"Good morning Sunshine! How was your nap" he coos, speaking to me like I'm a child. 

"It was wonderful" I reply back sarcastically. 

"That's good! I was wondering if you could still make lunch for us. I've worked up quite an appetite." He smirks, demanding me as if I didn't just almost die from getting electrocuted. I stare at him dumbfounded.  Am I hearing him right? Am I still alive? 

I go to pinch myself to see if I'm actually alive or just dreaming. Unfortunately, I'm still here. 

"Get up, and make us lunch.....please" He says through clenched teeth, his patience running thin. I think that's the first time I've heard him say please. Wonder what's wrong with him. 

Not wanting to get punished again, I slowly get up from the floor and retreat back to the tomatoes and cucumbers that sit on the kitchen counter. Ah right, pasta salad was what I was originally going to make before I was....interrupted. 

I open the fridge to get the Italian dressing and place it on the counter with the other ingredients. I fill a pot full of water and put it on the stove, turning the stove on so the water boils. Once the water boils, I grab pasta from a cabinet and throw it into the boiling water. 

Cutting, stirring and much more, the pasta salad becomes complete. I grab plates and fill each one with the pasta. This should be fine, hopefully. I walk out of the kitchen and into the living room. I see Damon and Ash on the couch watching tv. Assuming that they won't mind getting interrupted by me, I go tell Damon that lunch is ready.

I lightly tap him on the shoulder, getting his attention. "Lunch is done" I weakly say. 

He nods his head and shouts throughout the house "Lunch is done!". Footsteps shake the house as everyone walks to the kitchen. I hide in the corner of the room, away from the kitchen and everyone else, but it doesn't last long when Finn grips my arm, dragging me to the kitchen.

"Lets see what our dearest maid made for us" He says out loud for everyone to hear.

Getting to the kitchen, he sees the pasta salad laying there dimly on the plate. He stops and just stares at the dish, shaking his head as he eerily laughs. He grips my arm harder, jerking me so I stand in front of him. 

"This......This is it?" he questions me. 

I reply back, "Uh yeah".

"How pathetic is this!" He shouts as he becomes angered at the food that sits on the plate. He grabs a plate and throws it against the wall, shattering the plate into pieces and sending the pasta flying into the wall, where it slowly slides down, leaving a trail. Ew. 

I gasp like I've been offended, "My Baby! I'm not a chef, idiot! If you wanted good food from me, you should've given me a cook book, dumbass!". 

He scoffs at me and puts his hands on his hips, acting like a three year old girl throwing a tantrum. Scratch the acting part, he is a three year old girl. Just in a man's body. 

The others just watch with no emotion. I wonder what they're thinking. 

"Guess I'll order pizza since somebody" he says while looking at me, "can't cook a simple meal!". 

I roll my eyes, getting fed up with him arguing. Just shut the fuck up already. It's a simple and actually delicious meal if you gave it a try.

"You WILL be cleaning up the glass and pasta, Got it?" 

I nod my head, but that's not good enough. "It either a yes or no sir. Understood" he says through clenched teeth. Guess I should obey him now. 

"yes, sir". 

He sighs and leaves the kitchen to go order some pizza I assume.  I rummage through the cabinets in the kitchen, looking for a rag. When I finally find one, a clean one, I soak it up in water then twist it, so the excess water leaves the rag damp. I walk over to the wall and begin cleaning up the pasta snail trail. 

I continue cleaning up the pasta and glass pieces that lay on the floor, when the door bell rings throughout the house. Finn walks over to the door and opens it, revealing a pizza man who carries four boxes of pizza in his hand. Finn takes the boxes and walks over into the living room to place the pizza down on the coffee table, leaving the door wide open. I make eye contact with the pizza man and his eyes become as wide as saucers. This is my chance to escape! 

I drop everything I'm doing and dash towards the door.

"Help! Please you have to help me! I've been kidnapped" I beg to the pizza man who looks white as a ghost. 

He tries to talk, but just ends up stuttering. I look back and see Finn yell for the other guys and then run towards me. I push past the pizza man and make a dash for the forest that's calling my name. 

I hear the thundering sound of footsteps behind me, but I don't look back and continue to run faster, slowly losing them. 

"Scarlett, get back here NOW" Finn screams. 

I ignore him and continue to run. Getting to the tree line, I run through a bunch of brush that sticks to me, creating a bunch of tiny cuts all over my bare body. Stupid outfit. But my adrenaline is so high, I don't feel a thing. I just continue to push until I'm no longer in their sight. I'm finally free!........Or at least I think I am. 

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