Reader's Bio

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Name: Y/n Kent
Alias: Superman
Race: Half Kyptonian/Half Human
Age: 17

Powers:- Kyptonain Physiology: Under the effects of a yellow sun, Superman possesses the same potential powers as an average Kryptonian

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- Kyptonain Physiology: Under the effects of a yellow sun, Superman possesses the same potential powers as an average Kryptonian

- Solar Energy Absorption: Under optimal conditions, this is the main source of Superman's super powers as they are contingent upon exposure to solar radiation from a yellow sun star system.

- Superhuman Strength: Y/n's strength is augmented by yellow solar radiation interacting with the greater than human density, resilience and biological efficiency of his musculature.

- Superhuman Speed: Y/n is able to move at incredible speed by sheer force of will. This extends to his perceptions and allows for feats such as catching bullets in mid flight as well as covering vast distances in little or no time.

- Superhuman Agility: Y/n's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to superhuman levels. This allows him to easily make sharp turns and easily maneuver while flying and moving at superhuman speed.

- Superhuman Reflexes: Y/n possesses reflexes far greater than any normal human being. This allows him to easily react to danger and events, and perceive the world in slow motion.

- Superhuman Stamina: Y/n is able to maintain continuous strenuous physical action for an indefinite period of time. This based on his body converting yellow solar radiation directly to energy, but is limited by physiological and psychological needs to eat, drink and sleep.

- Superhuman Senses: All of Y/n's senses are enhanced to superhuman levels, allowing him to perceive the world in far greater detail than the average human.

- Super Vision: Y/n's vision processes the entire electromagnetic spectrum as well as allowing vast control over selective perception and focus.

- X-Ray Vision: By focusing his vision, Y/n can see through any volume of matter, except lead. He can see things behind a solid, opaque object as if it were not there and can focus this ability to "peel back" layers of an object, allowing hidden image or inner workings to be observed.

- Super Hearing: Y/n's hearing is sensitive enough to hear any sound at any volume or pitch.

- Flight: Y/n is able to manipulate graviton particles to defy the forces of gravity and achieve flight. This ranges from hovering to moving in any posture, in any direction. He capable of flying at above supersonic and hypersonic speeds.

- Heat Vision: Y/n can, as a conscious act, fire beams of intense heat at a target by looking at it. He can vary the heat and area affected.

- Super Flare: Y/n's last resort power was the ability to immediately expel all of his stored solar energy in one gigantic burst of explosive force. This Solar Flare uses all the stored energy within his cells at once, allowing for an all-out AoE attack.

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