Prologue: The ending of despair, the beginning of hope

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The city of Union is like no other place on earth. At the center of Union City is the prestigious Union Academy, a place where students train to hone their powers, from quirks, to semblances, to magic, to aura, and to sacred gears. But not everyone is lucky. Unlike the 85% of people who are granted powers, 15% of society weren't so lucky. They were deemed powerless and weak by those who did have powers. But unlike those who did give up hope of joining the school, one never did. His name was Y/n Kent.

Y/n was part of the 15% of people that weren't granted special powers. For most of his life he grew up on a farm in Kansas on the continent of Mistral. He was raised by his grandmother due to his parents dying when he was just a small boy. Growing up, Y/n dreamt of becoming a hero and even though he didn't have powers, he still tried his hardest to help others. After Y/n reached the age of 16, he ventured off to Union City to attend his dream school. But sadly, even most dream eventually become nightmares.

Y/n: GGAAHH!!!

Begin punched in the stomach, Y/n holds his abdomen in pain as he looks up to see the ones beating him.

Issei: HaHa! How'd you like that loser?

Y/n: you...keep doing this?

Bakugou: Don't you get it? You don't belong here! You never did!

Yang: Your just a powerless nobody!

Cardin: A worthless piece of shit!

Y/n: Tch! And you call yourself heroes. What a joke.

Bakugou than grabs Y/n that the collar of his shirt and lifts him up.

Bakugou: The fuck you!?

Y/n: I said what a joke!

Bakugou then uses his quirk, explosion, and blasts Y/n's face to injury him even further. He lets him go and Y/n falls to the ground. Issei then picks him up by his hair and starts talking shit.

Issei: You know, every since you came here, all the girls can't stop talking about you. How you help them with shit and talk to them about problems. It just pisses me off! You know what pisses home off even more though? The fact that Momo Yayarozu, hands down one of the sexiest girls here, is always with you. So after I'm done fucking you up, I'll go pay her a visit.

Y/n: Leave her...

Before he could finish, Issei slams his head to the ground.

Issei: Did I say you could talk!? You wanna know what I'm gonna go? I'm gonna find Momo and have my way with her and after I'm done, I'll send you the video.

Y/n tights his fist as his anger begins to rise. As Y/n glares at a smiling Issei, his eyes begin to glow red.

Y/n: You...won't...TOUCH HER!!!

Issei's eyes widen as Y/n grabs him hand and snaps it. He then throws Issei into the wall. As he calms down and his vision goes back to normal, he's met with a fist making him black out.

Groaning awake, Y/n looks around trying to see where he is. After finally seeing clearly, Y/n finds to see that he's in the nurses office, again. Looking over to the right side, he sees Recovery Girl working on her computer.

Y/n: Ms. Recovery Girl?

Recovery Girl: Hmm, oh your awake.

Y/n: How long was I out?

Recovery Girl: About an hour or two. That's record time. Oh before I forget, you have a visitor.

Recovery Girl points to the left side of Y/n's bed and he looks to see Momo sleeping soundly next to him.

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