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He turned to jump back into the sea but her reflexes were quicker than he expected. She reached out grabbed his long black hair.

"Hold it there, Fish Tail, you promised me a fire. A deal is a deal. Now you get on the shore and build me that fire or," she cupped her free hand and he saw the golden energy light up in her palm, "I'll do to you what I just did to the Energy Core."

She yanked his hair and made him turn to face her, his eyes locking with hers. What if she really did blow him up? Despite being small and delicate in appearance, he had just witnessed what she could do and maybe it would be best to stick to his end of the bargain.

"Fire it is. Only I can't transform back to a human if you refuse to let go of your grip on my hair."

His words were ignored, her gaze was fixed on the golden feather that hung around his neck.

"My hair!"

With a jolt back to reality, she released her grip. Soaring into the air he spun around, his tail turning into a pair of legs. He landed with grace on the ground.

"And your trousers and boots are dry! How is that even fair. I'm wet all over."

"They weren't exposed, how could they get wet," he retorted. "Let's get this silly fire going. And don't think of asking me for anything else. The deal was get you out of the water and build a fire, no more than that!"

The rough words caused her to narrow her eyes. "Your father really ruined you," she said in a quiet voice.

It was the last thing he had expected to hear. For a few seconds he could only blink at her. "How...what makes you... why would you say...have I ever met you before?"

"In a past life," was her reply. 

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