Chapter 4.

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Chapter 4

The years followed one after the other and the seasons changed with the passing of time. On one bright, summer evening a knock sounded on the door of Jin Fuhai's study.

"Who could that be?" Fuhai muttered as he rolled up the memorial he was reading and rose to answer. Upon opening the door he was greeted by a tall man dressed in flowing red and black robes. His long black hair was partially held up in a low bun while the rest was loose and hung half way down his back. His face was refined, the features sharp and smooth. The dark brown eyes were serious and sad.

"Chen Zihao," Fuhai gave a bit of a bow, "this is unexpected."

A hint of a smile came to the thin lips of the surprise guest. "Greetings, Jin Fuhai. I finally have a moment to myself and decided to see how my old acquaintance is. It's been what, three hundred years? Three fifty? We last saw each other the year Zitan appeared out of nowhere and announced he wasn't dead."

Fuhai stepped aside and allowed his visitor to enter. Zihao's gaze rested on the two boys sitting in the corner. "I suppose this is the Crown Prince and the Commandary Prince?"

"They are indeed," Fuhai motioned for the children to rise. "Song, Haishuo, greet the Demon Heir Apparent Chen Zihao."

The princes put their hands together and bowed to Zihao. Zihao looked them up and down before turning to Fuhai in surprise. "How old are the two?"

"Four hundred fifty and Three hundred ninety respectively."

The surprise on Zihao's face deepened. "And already both have legs? I've never heard of merchildren learning to transform before five hundred."

Pride emanated from Fuhai. He motioned for Zihao to have a seat and went to fetch a jug of wine from the cupboard.

"We've had our legs for a while already," Song boldly stated as he sat back down on the floor and pulled his brother down beside him. "Forty years to be exact. We cultivated together and learned to transform on the same day."

Zihao hardly heard him, however, as something more interesting had caught his attention. Perched on the edge of the table was a canary. Its bright eyes looking up at the newcomer with curiosity. "A bird, underwater?"

Fuhai laughed. "Now you can say that you've seen everything."

"How on earth did it get down here?"

"Song's doing," Fuhai motioned at his nephew. "Tell the Heir Apparent where this bird came from."

Obediently, Song related the entire story of how he rescued the canary and brought it to live with his Second Uncle. Zihao heard him out with an amused air. "Jin Hai Song, you do beat all," he stated with a small laugh once tale was completed.

"It's just Jin Song," Song corrected. "Father removed 'hai' from my name. I'm no longer a strong and flourishing sea pine, I'm just a regular pine."

Zihao looked over at Fuhai, who shot him a warning glance. "A fish keeping a bird as a pet," he turned the subject back to the bird. "I really have seen everything. Tell me, does it mind staying so far beneath the surface of the water?"

"We've taken it above shore on multiple occasions but Xiao Lanse always returns with us when it's time to come home." Haishuo answered.

"Lanse? Your bird is completely yellow."

Song held out his palm and the bird hopped onto it. Rising to his feet, the boy brought his pet closer to the Heir Apparent. "There's a blue feather of its left eye, see."

Zihao took a closer look. "So there is." He studied it a bit longer. "That's not a natural blue. From the shine and hue I'd say someone took ink and dyed the feather. This bird must have an owner."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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